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Name: Alicia   

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Name: Alicia   

Other names:  None  

Birthday:  August 12th

Backstory:  She grew up as an orphan

Family: Her husband Kofi, her daughters Kiki and Jenny and her mother-in-law Nanfua

Friends: Greg and Vidalia

Likes: Her family and friends, fashion, the beach, warm weather, books, reading, tea, chocolate, cooking, her job, animals, having fun, helping people, LGBTQ+, exploring, cute things and shopping

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, bullies, rude people, bullies and cold weather

Sexuality: Straight, asexual, cupioromantic and transfemanine (Pronouns are she/her!)

Husband: Kofi

Age: 47

Occupation: Chef  

Species: Human 

Power/abilities: None 

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, death, bugs and thunder

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, strong, shy, clumsy, happy-go-lucky, speaks her mind, bubbly, silly, funny, motherly, gets scared easily, playful, a little niave, affectionate, reserved, soft spoken, quiet, loving, caring, patient, gets mad rarely and nervous when new people  

Quote:  "I love my family!"


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