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Name: Pluto

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Name: Pluto

Other names: None

Birthday: January 5th

Backstory: They grew up in a family of heroes

Family: His parents Drax and Mantis, their younger sibling Callista, her aunts and uncles Nebula, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Star Lord,, Titan, Quicksilver, Black Panther, Vision, War Machine, Loki, Falcon, Rocket, Dr. Strange, Black Widow, Wanda, Wasp, Gamora, Shuri, Scarlet and Witch, their grandparents Nick and Jules, her cousins Casey, Deadpool, Astra, Juno, Donna, Dagan, Apollo, Billy, Tommy, Cricket, Sultan, Jack and Joa

Friends: Apollo

Likes: His family and friends, space, video games, sports, reading, school, winning, animals, having fun, helping people, LGBTQ+, exploring, food cute things and drawing

Dislikes: People who hurt their family and friends, bullies, rude people, bullies and being teased

Sexuality: Polyromantic in the future, demiromantic, polyamorous, grey-asexual and bigender (Pronouns are he/they!)

Partner: None

Age: 14

Occupation: Student

Species: Half bug, half alien

Power/abilities: Empathy, agility, can feel vibrations, telepathy, flying, resilience, can survive in space, super strength and can fly

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone, horror, losing, heights and the dark

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, strong, shy, jokes a lot, happy-go-lucky, gets scared rarely, playful, smart, affectionate, clingy, loving, caring, impatient, gets mad rarely and has anxiety

Quote: "Please be my friend..."


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