Name: Edward

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Name: Edward

Other names:  He goes by Ed 

Birthday: December 8th

Backstory:  He grew up in poverty and to make sure his family didn't end up the same way he ended up as a workaholic but loves his job

Family: His wife Leona and his kids Sam, Simon and Shelby

Friends: Mikelle, Juniper, Lynn Sr., Rita, Howard and Harold

Likes: His family and friends, music, his job, music, animals, LGBTQ+, kids, taking care of people and animals, cooking, sports, cute things and working

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, bullies, rude people, bullies and being late 

Sexuality: Omnisexual and demisexual

Wife: Leona

Age: 48

Occupation: Veteranarian

Species:  Human

Power/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone, snakes, swimming and storms

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, strong, brave, works a lot, has insomnia, gets scared rarely, social around new people, fatherly, overprotective, nurturing, smart, affectionate, outgoing, loving, caring, patient, gets mad sometimes and has anxiety but hides it

Quote:  "What seems to be the problem with your mongoose?"


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