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Name: Luna

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Name: Luna

Other names:  None  

Birthday:  January 7th

Backstory:  She grew up in a big family loving music

Family: Their parents Rita and Lynn Sr, her older sisters Leni and Lori, her younger siblings Leni, Luan, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily, their grandmothers-in-law Ruth and Mina, her sisters and brothers in law Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Dylan, Sanyu, Sara and Clarissa, and their neices and newphews Nettle, Ellian, Alejandro, Logan, Haze and Sophia

Friends: None yet

Likes: Her family and friends, music, her guutar, song writing, spending time with her family, animals, helping people, kids, LGBTQ+, cute things, singing, her idol and sweets 

Dislikes: People who hurt their family and friends, bullies,  rude people, people  touching her guitar and bullies

Sexuality: Bisexual and genderdoe (Pronouns are she/they!)

Girlfriend: Sam   

Age: 16

Occupation: Student and musician

Species: Human

Power/abilities: None  

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, snakes, being a failure, losing her career and heights

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, speaks her mind, stubborn sometimes, chill, calm, talented gets mad sometimes, friendly, happy-go-lucky, a bit flirty, smart, overprotective, affectionate, social, funny, loud, loving,  caring, patient, gets scared rarely and nervous sometimes

Quote:  "Rockin'!"


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