17. The cunning duckling!!

Start from the beginning

"Chim...", Jin screeched in embarrassment, while Taehyung chuckled softly and looked out of the window.

"It's time. I will get going now", Jimin said, fixing the tiny earpiece to the back of his ear.

Jin straightened himself in his seat getting serious, while Taehyung watched Jimin cross the street and enter the café.

Jimin walked as slow as possible, planning for a perfect timing and coincidence. He opened the café door and walked to the counter.

"One hot chocolate, please", Jimin ordered politely.

The girl behind the counter smiled sweetly and printed the bill for the drink. Jimin paid for the drink in cash and took his seat at an empty table.

The memories from New Zealand tossed his mind around like a whirlwind. The first meeting between him and Jungkook wasn't exactly special or mind blowing for Jimin. He was nervous the entire time as Jungkook chose to flirt with him mercilessly. He was funny and very lively that, Jimin had left the bar smiling brightly that night.

Jimin had always been invisible to everyone. No one noticed his existence in the places that he liked to visit often, like libraries, museums, churches etc., Yeah, he was a boring person and Jin never took him to any place that could potentially endanger him, such as the clubs and bars. Although nineteen, Jimin had neither tasted a drop of alcohol nor had anyone touch him intimately until Jungkook appeared in his life. But he wasn't innocent either. He was neck to neck with Jin when it came to designing and executing the plans on Jin's targets.

However, Jimin was never allowed to work on field. Jin kept him hidden from everyone, and whoever it was; Jin had always faced his targets alone. But for once Jimin wanted to be adamant and useful in his life. He wanted to be of some help to Jin. And so he argued with Jin several times that he was no more a child. After many months of pressuring and begging, Jin finally relented in New Zealand and let him handle Jungkook, after he saw how whipped Jungkook was for him.

Jimin felt alive during every second that he spent with Jungkook. He had never had any long conversations with anyone other than with Jin. He had never had anyone talk sweetly with him, including Jin, who was caring and gentle, but had stopped being sweet years ago. Jimin felt lonely and useless. He understood that Jin was doing everything to protect him, but he was a human too and he needed the love and attention. So when Jungkook began flirting with him, he felt so elated that he forgot his mission and let himself fall for Jungkook.

Jimin sighed heavily, feeling miserable. He knew what kind of person he was. He knew what kind of result was expected out of him. He was aware of what he was going to do to Jungkook, and he was sure that when everything would end Jungkook was going to hate him to no end. But he had started the drama already and so he must be the one to end it as well.

Jimin cursed himself for acting all strong and bold, while in fact he was nothing but weak and scared.

"Relax, Chim. You will be fine", Taehyung's voice came through his earpiece suddenly.

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