The Next Day

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The medical examination took away a lot of energy, and the new day was bringing a mysterious new energy to me. In the morning, Miss Sahani came to the Anti Villa. She was led straight to Holmes and me. When she entered the room, she saw that Holmes had already kept a book ready for her to read, and briefed her about her role. She was already on cloud nine, as she always had a dream to meet Holmes in person.

Then Holmes gave me some instructions, and I converted the whole room for interrogation in a friendly way. The bedding was done and three chairs were kept in a triangular arrangement. I was supposed to be seated behind and at a lower level than the other two. I even had to dress like Mr. Kareja, and the posture should also be the same as he usually had when he sits.

There was only one chair kept in front of the two chairs, where every member was to be called, examined, interrogated, and recorded for the case.

The routine began at 9 a.m., and the family members were called in ascending order, each being told that Mr. Kareja's body was being kept behind Holmes and they have to keep in mind his presence. To avoid any kind of doubt, I was heavily performed and the temperature of the room was also set near 5 degrees celsius.

Each member wanted to touch me, but Holmes made sure that no one even got a small glimpse of my face, or touched my body in any way. Overall the questions were generally concerned with the murder and Holmes indirectly asked about the interrelations between the family members and Mr. Kareja.

At night, Miss Sahani was asked to stay in one of the rooms in the astronomy tower. Holmes asked me to read today's interviews and meetings and make a detailed report on my observations about the behavior, thought-action, interrelation with family, and possible motive for committing the crime.

Even though I heard every single meeting and interview that was held right behind my back, I saw that Holmes had put some other notes beside Sahani's report.

It was already a very cold and long day. But, the report was worth two nights of concentrated reading.

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