• Laura Woods || 1 •

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Dedicated to stxrllex and xoisabelle because we're squad goals and the best trio... 😉

Hey, random person reading about my life. In case you were too lazy to read the title, my name is Laura Woods. Feel free to call me Lau.

So this is the part where I introduce myself, done, state my personal issues, hobbies, friends, my appearance, stuff about my family, blah, blah, blah.

Well then, let's get started.

First off, appearance. I'm average in height for a seventeen - turning eighteen - year old girl.

I guess I am pretty, but not gorgeous or breathtaking. I'm quite slim, but I still have noticeable curves.

My straight, medium brown hair reaches my waist. Long, I know, but fun fact, I love long hair, always have, always will.

Back to the topic, my skin-tone is a light tan, almost pale colour, and eyes a light blue.

A lot of people say that my blue eyes are a nice contrast to hair, and unlike in most stories - where the girl is always subconscious of her natural appearance - I believe them all. I think that's about it.

Moving on, friends. Well, in general, I have so many friends. But, including me, my squad consists of three girls.

There's Isabelle Kami, she and I are the same age - all three of us girls are - and she's a few inches shorter than me.

Her family comes from a country in Asia called Laos, located just above Vietnam and next to Thailand.

She has an oval face and straight, black hair, which is a few inches above her elbow.

She has dark brown eyes, and her skin-tone is pale white, but it's a nice contrast to her hair.

Finally, there's my twin. Not really, but literally my other half. Other than our looks, every single thing about us is the exact same.

Her name is Lexie Roberts. Lexie has light grey eyes and curly platinum blonde hair, that reaches her shoulders.

Lexie comes from an American family, she and I are the same height, and our figures are similar too.

Next, hmm, how about my family? Ok, so I'm the eldest child in my family.

If you want my opinion on how it's like to be the eldest, let me tell you, it's awesome and terrible at the same time.

I have two younger brothers, who are identical twins. Their names are Samuel and Sebastian.

But nearly everyone they know call then Sam and Seb, including me.

We all share the same skin tone - my entire family does - which is once again, a light tan colour, almost pale.

They both have short, straight black hair and light blue eyes, same eyes as me.

And they're both quite good-looking, especially for fourteen - turning fifteen - year old kids.

Sam is the, I guess, goofier twin. You would think because they're identical twins they'd look the exact same every single day - which, they do - but you can tell who is who, by their personality, attitude, and definitely their fashion sense.

Sam doesn't care about how he looks, and no offence to him, but his posture and everyday attire sucks, compared to Seb anyways.

He also is a little less smarter than Seb, and unlike Seb, he isn't a flirt, and hasn't had loads of girlfriends - as many as a middle-schooler could have anyways - which results with him being the less popular, less likeable twin.

But I hate it when people compare the two of them, so does Seb, even though I had just done exactly that, they're two different people, but they still deserve the same amount of respect.

Moving onto my parents, I love them both. My mom is Australian, she was born and raised there, she even has the accent to prove it. Her entire family has grown up and lives in Sydney, Australia.

I had inherited her hair colour, a medium-brown colour. But unlike everyone else in our family, her eyes are a really light green.

She's really pretty, and her wavy hair reaches her elbows. She has a petite figure and we're about the same height.

My dad is American, born in USA, same goes for me and my brothers. He has black hair, which my brothers had inherited and light blue eyes that all three of his kids have, as I've mentioned.

Oh, and also, we're an average American family, my mom has a part-time job as a beautician and my dad also has a part-time job as an engineer. That's pretty much it.

Finally, my hobbies and personal issues. I saved this particular thing about me for last because, well, this is must-know for you guys, and anyone else for that matter.

The most important thing about me is that I'm a crazy-everything-sci-fi-books-and-comic-con-obsessed-freak. Or, in other words, a fangirl.

In this world, there a two different types of fangirls. One is the social-media-tumblr-and-celebrity-obsessed-freak. Which, sadly, is not me.

There's also, as I've mentioned, the crazy-everything-sci-fi-books-and-comic-con-obsessed-freak. This particular fangirl however, is me.



All Rights Reserved. © 2015 @xxxshexxx

Hey, random person reading my book. 😉

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Bye! 👋

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