Chapter 00: His Kidnapping

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- Episode One: All In My Head -

"He who fights with monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

125 Days Ago. The far side of the Milky Way galaxy.

What do you do when you find your missing sister's kidnapper? Do you get information from him? Obviously. Do you beat him into a pulp? Of course.

But , that's all easier said than done.

"What do you know, about..." Andros began, sliding the key cards Darkonda's way. "KO-35?"

Darkonda grinned and began to talk, greedily taking the key cards like a hungry child. "Well, it's got mountains, and trees, it's a horrible place, really."

In the dimness of Onyx Andros sat, disguised, next to his worst enemy, next to the one monster he hated most in all the universe. If he wanted to, he could just reach over and choke him, squeeze his neck until he screamed, and then crush it so he couldn't scream anymore.

But no, this was for Karone. He would crush him later—this secret mission to Onyx had been a success so far, he would get the information, beat Darkonda senseless, and be back on the Megaship before his team noticed he was gone. After a few minutes of meaningless talk, of biding his time, Darkonda made a mistake.

He mentioned Karone.

"And what... became, of the little girl?" Andros asked, his heart beating painfully fast, his hands shaking. He was so close...

Darkonda stared angrily at Andros's arm, then at Andros. Then, he smiled. "I killed her, of course."

Andros stood up so fast his seat fell over behind him, slamming his fists on the counter. "You... you WHAT?!"

Darkonda grinned so wide it looked like his smile would fall of his face. "That's right, red Ranger. I killed your sister. I can see your morpher, by the way."

Andros leapt at Darkonda, jumping into the counter and pouncing with a guttural screech!  "I'LL KILL YOU!"

With that howl Darkonda pulled out his sword and nearly took off Andros's head, but he ducked it just in time, laying on the counter and pouncing into a kick! By now the whole saloon had stopped to watch, even the music had gone silent—not that Andros had noticed, all he could think were two words.

Kill him.

Kill him!

Kill him!



"AAAAHH!" Andros screeched, tackling Darkonda and sending them both sprawling to the ground. "YOU KILLED MY SISTER!"

All around them a crowd gathered, chants of "Fight! Fight! Fight!", the sounds of bets being placed and panic ensuing all rang in Andros's ears, the only thing louder being his own screeches of fury no words could describe.

Darkonda took a nice and hard smash in the side of the jaw, but he kicked Andros up and off of him, and before Andros knew it Darkonda was on top of him.

"I'M GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" Andros screeched as Darkonda pinned him down. "YOU MURDERER! MURDERER!"

Then Darkonda punched him in the face, there was a crack, a little blood, and a lot of pain.

"You got it, red Ranger!" Darkonda grinned, punching him again and again, crack! Smash! Speaking over Andros's screeches and furious threats. "I'm a murderer! I killed your sister! Oh, how she screamed!"

Andros's vision began to blur from the repeated punching and his throat began to ache from the screaming, not to mention the pain of Darkonda's beat down. "I'm gonna kill you...!"

Andros felt himself losing strength as Darkonda beat him down, punching and kicking every inch of him until he could barely move, until the pain was overwhelming. Andros's vision had blurred beyond use, and he could feel the blood pouring from his face. He became passingly aware that he was being picked up as he heard Darkonda laughing, addressing the crowd.

"Don't worry folks, just a Power Ranger! I'll take him and be on my way!"

Darkonda started walking, throwing Andros over his shoulder and laughing again. It slowly crossed Andros's barely conscious mind that nobody except D.E.C.A. knew he had gone here, and D.E.C.A. had been sworn to secrecy...

Karone was dead. Karone was dead. Darkonda had killed her and Karone was dead.

"I hate you..." he whispered.

Then, he passed out.

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