chapter 32

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dreams pov

It's the day after I dropped Karl off and haven't spoken to him since. I'm starting to think my idea wasn't a good one. Maybe I'm overreacting.

I sit watching Friends on my TV. I pause it when I hear my phone buzz. I read my notification, New Text from Sapnap💕 I open the message and read.

Hey, did our deal thingy include me and you not speaking? I realized we never really discussed that part.

It doesn't have to mean we don't speak. It's up to you.

Incoming Facetime from Sapnap💕

I think for a moment whether or not I should answer, I've always struggled showing my face to people, when I'm with people in person it doesn't bother me as much because I can act like it's not happening. But facetiming? I hate it because I can see myself in the camera. 

I don't want to be rude, so I answer anyways. We talk for a while, about our situation, our interests, and everything else we could think of. I notice the time at the top of my screen, 3:07am holy shit we've been talking for a long time.

I didn't want to ruin the mood or anything, but I'm extremely tired. I'll keep myself awake for him. 

Now, it's been an hour from me noticing the time, we're both tired but neither of us have brought it up, we haven't been talking much but that's pretty standard for a facetime call at 4:09 in the morning. 


morning :)

I wake up with my phone extremely hot in my hand, once I look at it, I notice that I'm still on the phone with Sapnap. I don't make any noise to show that I'm awake, I see my screen showing his ceiling and him in the corner moving around. I don't hear anything, so I assume he muted himself. 

After watching for a couple seconds, I notice that he is cooking. Not sure what it is exactly, but it makes sense for him muting himself now. I make myself seen and he unmutes.

"Hey love," he says and we make conversation while he continues cooking. "Wanna come over? I made pancakes, bacon, and lemonade!" he asks.


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