chapter 30

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Sapnap looks away from watching Karl leave the table and returns his gaze to me. "Hey, are we cool?" he asks.

"Yeah I guess so, Karl isn't taking it all too well.." I reply. I won't say it to Sapnap but I'm really worried about Karl. I also feel so bad for him. I just put myself into his life... he didn't even have time to think about it?

"Yeah I didn't think he would," He starts, "He doesn't need to forgive me or even talk to me. I just want him to know how much I care for him."

"We need to give him space. I can take him home and he can think about this whole thing. He doesn't need to be around either of us for now. I can't stop you from reaching out to him during the time but I'm going to do what's right for all of us." I say.

It hurts me to think that there might not be a future for me and Karl, but I have to do what's best for him.

Soon enough Karl returns to the table and I bring up my idea. He was silent and I wasn't sure what type of sign that was. Me and Sap shared eye contact and I was sure he didn't know how to take the silence either.

"Okay. After we eat you can take me home. I don't know what the outcome is going to be. But it won't hurt to try, right?" Karl smiles.

"Yeah," I reply, and Sapnap agreed.

We finished the meal with very obvious tension in the air.

"Okay. It's getting dark outside so we should probably get going. Are you ready?" I asked Karl

We left the restaurant after saying our goodbyes to Sapnap and headed to Karls house.

"What are you wanting the outcome to be of this... experiment you suggested?" Karl asked.

"Well, as you can probably tell, I would love to move on with you and deepen our relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. But, nonetheless I want you to do what you're comfortable with, and not what you think I would prefer."

Karl thought for a moment before nodding. He hasn't been the most talkative person during this car ride, but I understand. This is a tough situation for him to be going through.

I do hope me and Karl can be together in the future. I also hope Sapnap could be a part of it. I guess it's a waiting game at this point.

The time I've been dreading this entire car ride has finally arrived, as I pulled into his driveway.

He turned to me and spoke, "Thank you for the ride, I'll make my mind up soon. I always do"

"Of course, and remember, no pressure. Do what you feel is best for you." I replied as he kissed my cheek.

He got out of my car and made his way to the door. As he put his key into the lock, he took a long breath. I feel so bad.

A part of me wants to just get out of my car and go comfort him, but I know I shouldn't.

I reversed my car and backed out of the driveway and onto the road.

This is gonna be the most impatient I've ever been.

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