- chapter 25 -

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karl opened the messages.

he really regretted it.

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what the fuck

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what the fuck.

karl powered off dreams phone and went to sleep.

he wasn't waiting for dream to get upstairs.

/////// morning ///////

dream woke up, still bummed out from the night before because karl hadn't said good night to him

he powered on his phone and seen a missed message from his mom. he replied quickly and noticed he didn't recognize the most recent message from sapnap, but it was opened already?

then it hit him; karl was on his phone. shit.

maybe he accidentally clicked it? nothing to worry about, right?

dream got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom, it was connected to the bedroom, so he left the door open

he washed his face and changed his shirt, it got colder overnight so he changed to a sweater

while he was brushing his teeth, he heard karl sit up on the bed

once he finished brushing his teeth, he returned to the bedroom to greet karl

"good morning sleepy head", dream said

"morning" karl replied

"what do you want to do today?" dream asked

"hm.." he thought about it for a moment, "i need to return back to work today but after that could we go roller skating?"

"yeah! what time do you get off of work?

karl checked his notes app because, of course, he forgot.


the two got dressed for the day and dream drove him to work

before karl got out of the car, he turned around to dream and pecked his lips quickly before saying bye.

karl entered the building and his co-workers greeted him.

//// later in the day ////

it was a very busy day at the diner. every five minutes, karls eyes shoot up to the lock on the counter. he wishes this day could "just end already" as he has said repeatedly.

the line is huge. they don't have enough tables and for some reason nobody is satisfied with their food, service, or simply where they're seated. karl is constantly being moved from register, to waiter, and even cook??

he's being pushed too much; he even feels that if he's asked to do one more thing, he will explode.  especially, with the thought of dream speaking with sapnap in his mind, constantly.

once again, he looks back at the clock; '4:47'



"can time just hurry up already?", karl asked his best friend, who is also a co-worker. her name is claire, they've known eachother since they were in middle school, 6th grade to be specific.

"that's what i've been asking myself. we've been here all day, at least it's not as busy now" she replied.

"right when we have to leave" he frowned

"i know, it sucks. hey, why don't we hang out anymore?"

"oh! actually, i've been meaning to talk to you about that. i have a boyfriend!!" karl exclaimed

"really? oh my god, karl that's amazing! i'm so happy for you"

"yeah!! he'll be picking me up soon so maybe you can see him" karl said

claire agreed and turned her attention towards a customer who had a complaint.

karl decided he would stay in the back for the rest of his shift because if he was going to be honest with anyone, he did not want to be here any more.

eventually, it's five o'clock and dream texts karl to let him know he's outside.

karl replied to dreams message with a quick 'okay:)'

karl let claire know that it was five already and that she could stop stressing herself out.

they quickly said goodbye to their boss without looking at their co workers. they've never talked about it, but neither of them like the others. and the others don't like them. it's a mutual thing

they left the diner and karl showed claire where dream was parked.

dream was on his phone so he wasn't aware of him being outside already.

once they got closer to dreams car, karl opened the door and let claire say hi to dream, "hi! i'm claire"


"this is claire, my best friend" karl explained

"oh, well hello" dream smiled

"it's already getting dark so i should go, bye guys" claire spoke up

karl gave claire a quick hug and he entered the car.

"so, claire was it?"


"and she's your best friend?"


"she looked like more than a best friend" dream accused

"where are you trying to get at with this?"

"just curious, have you and claire ever dated? or flirted?"

"what the fuck dream? no, of course we haven't. she knows i have a boyfriend."

"if you say so"

the bickering back and forth lasted until they got home.


hey:) what did you think about this chapter?

opinions on claire?

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