Part 22

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Kota POV

I wanted so bad to protect her. The way her eyes darted all over my face like she was afraid to look me in the eye brought me back to when I first found her, hiding her family's abusive and neglectful secrets from us. Only now it was worse. I rubbed my thumbs over the palm of her hand and touched each finger briefly. Everything I tried, everything I did was never enough. I felt like fate was always trying to cruelly tear her from me just after I had found her. I released her hand and swept my hands up to grip at her shoulders. Mr. Blackbourne had been clear last night during a quick exchange that we weren't to push her for more information on Volto. He feared we could push her too far when trust hadn't been fully developed between us yet. I watched the wariness on her face and felt the tension in her shoulders and realized it was true. She needed us now. We just had to be there for her when she was ready, and in the meantime observe as much as we could, picking up whatever clues we could from her behavior.

I pulled her into a hug and tried to ignore her slight wince before she put her arms around me to return it. I looked over to Luke, silently asking how last night went while I wasn't here. His return answer left me uneasy. He had something to discuss about Sang. I sighed and pulled Sang down off the counter, holding in a grin when her tummy rumbled noisily. Luke laughed and handed her a plate piled high with eggs, bacon and strawberries. I was glad to see she actually looked hungry. I turned from her, opening the utensil drawer to grab her a fork when Luke chuckled behind me. I looked back to see she was already eating the strawberries with her hands. Luke smirked at her as she bit into the fruit eagerly.

"Let's at least move to the dining room before you get started Sweetie. Boy, are you hungry or what?"

Sang thoroughly licked her index finger clean of strawberry juice and I had sudden difficulty in trying to swallow. She furrowed her brows.

"I haven't eaten since..."

She seemed lost in thought for a moment. I thought back to yesterday's events and started sorting through them desperately for a time she had eaten since she had been discovered. She had been questioned, and then we had put her to bed right after...

"Day before yesterday."

Both Luke and I looked at her in horror as she bit down on another strawberry. Luke grabbed the strawberry package as I handed her the fork, and we all jumped when North's booming voice filled the small kitchen.

"What the hell do you mean you haven't eaten since the day before yesterday?! Baby, why didn't you say something!"

North threw wild panicked looks at both of us and I think we pretty much all had the same sentiment. In all of our high emotional states yesterday we had all overlooked her basic needs. North had a good reason for flipping out, but I had to stop him from yelling before she felt like she was being backed into a corner. I sent a simple shut up to North, pushed at the small of her back in the direction of the dining room and almost tripped over Luke when he lunged forward to grab up her plunging pants. My cheeks burned remembering yesterday's events when North had been brought in and Sang had flashed everyone in the room, even Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green. Luke and I shuffled places so he could keep a hold on her clothing and then Sang was giggling for the first time since she came home. Luke and I shared a relieved glance, and North moved forward to sweep her up, plate and all. I pulled my phone out and texted Nathan to make sure he was bringing her clothes this morning as North lowered Sang down into a seat at the table and pointed firmly at her plate. She needed no encouragement and dug happily into her eggs.

Dr. Green POV

I nudged with my elbow at Owen in the middle of my yawn. I smelled bacon. And eggs. It wasn't a smell I was used to waking up to in my condo. I snaked one foot out of the guest bed I had shared with him and vowed I would get a bigger one in here, even though this one had barely fit through the door. My other foot followed and I slunk out, taking in the fact that even though he had been up most the night watching surveillance on the condo and Sang, Owen was already up and had begun shaving in the guest bathroom. Show off.

I scratched at the back of my head and pulled a set of clothes Gabriel had matched for me out of the closet. I would have to use the hallway bathroom. I smiled thinking of Sang in all her glory, standing on my bathroom counter. I didn't think I would ever be able to look in that mirror the same way again, thank god. I poked my head out of the guestroom into the hall and listened to the boys voices and Pookie's giggle floating from the dining room. I dashed for the hall bathroom and showered quickly, dressing hastily in my hurry to see her.

* * * *

Sang had finished her breakfast and was back in my bedroom changing by the time Owen and I made it out to the dining room. Kota informed us of the disturbing news that she had skipped a day's worth of meals and also hidden from Luke during the night fearing he was an intruder. North reported she had thrown our own words back at us regarding our secrecy about Academy matters when asked about Volto. Her reactions to our questions were much the same as yesterday then. Owen adjusted his glasses carefully, thinking. He turned to me, a calculating look in his gray eyes.

"You will drive Ms. Sorenson to school this morning Sean. Be open to any discussion she cares to begin, and keep an eye on any subtle reactions or hints she might drop during the conversation. Mr. Lee, I want her under constant supervision and surveillance, but let's try not to make it too obvious. Anyone have any questions or suggestions?"

There was a resounding "no". A quiet click from down the hall announced Sang had finished dressing and was being escorted by Nathan back into the dining room. Owen straightened and I stood as Sang entered the room and pushed her finger to her mouth when she caught sight of us. I glanced at my watch and realized we were nearly running late. I grabbed my keys and Pookie's hand, nodding purposefully at Owen and leading her through the foyer out to my waiting car.

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