Part 14

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Sang POV

I couldn't believe it. They had let me go. I would see the boys soon, but my stomach fell at the thought of facing them. Mr. Blackbourne would be able to tell, I just knew he would. He would see right through every thought that flitted across my all too honest face. I kicked at a stray bit of rock on the sidewalk and then had to sink down on the ledge, being careful of placing each foot carefully into the gutter. My nerves had finally caught up to the fact that I had driven a car to this point, and somehow survived Jay's unorthodox driving lesson. That the kidnapping was over. That I could go home. I crossed my arms over my shaking knees and rested my forehead on top of them. This was going to be even more awful than the first time I had been kidnapped by Volto because of what I knew. The boys would not be able to overlook the awkwardness I was sure to feel around them. I didn't know how I would ever be able to approach the subject.

Oh god, they wanted to share me.

The thought left tingles of happy butterflies in my stomach right along with washing tsunami's of terror. I didn't know if I could handle this. I didn't know if I could handle THEM. I had a hard enough time keeping up with them as it was. What should I do? I sighed and let the tears that were now freely falling drop into my lap. I had to get up, get moving and let the boys know I was all right. I had to lift myself up off this sidewalk and start walking to Dr. Green's house. Anytime now.

Come on Sang.

Come on.

I was quietly sobbing now, and I didn't even care that I was sitting in the middle of a nice neighborhood, in a dirty dress, probably showing my underwear and making a complete spectacle of myself for the gossiping neighbors peeking through the curtains. Being kidnapped bizarrely I could take. Hendrick's and McCoy's plotting I would deal with. But facing the boys with what I know and trying to keep a secret from them, and maybe losing them because I couldn't tell them...

I lifted both hands and threaded my fingers through the hair near my scalp, until I was pulling at two handfuls. Two girl's lives depended on my keeping an impossible secret from my boys. I didn't know how I was going to pull this off and not lose them in the process. My heart yanked in my chest so painfully at that thought that I gasped, and then had to fight desperately to control myself before I broke down into despairing hysteria.

"You alright miss? Do you need any help?"

I sniffed and lifted my head, having to search a moment before I spotted the elderly gentleman standing in the street who had addressed me. He was very old fashionedly dressed, had a little white dog on a red leash, and it looked like I had interrupted his walk. His kind crinkled eyes assessed me where I sat, and I realized I should probably shift so he didn't have an unobstructed view of my underpants. I stood and faced the direction I should have headed five minutes ago, wrapping my arms around myself as I took a few doubtful steps.

"No thank you sir. I'm almost home anyway."

I could feel him staring disbelieving at me. His dog barked, a high yipping sound that reminded me of Victor's house and the little dog there that barked in the mornings. I smiled softly at the memory, glancing back at the man and his tiny dog. He seemed to read that I was all right now and tipped his hat, pulling his dog in the opposite direction to continue his walk. I sighed. I would have been glad of his company to distract me from my thoughts on my way. I moved through the nice neighborhood, eyes on the sidewalk in front of me and my own feet. Meanie would be so upset when he saw the condition of my new shoes and dress. They were both ruined.

Dr. Green's house finally loomed in front of me. I had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, trying to get myself to move up the walk and knock on the door. I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I wanted to see them all, yet I was dreading this. I had to put a brave face on it. I had to jump right in, and just get it over with.

Do it then.

I marched up to the door with false bravado and raised my knuckles to knock at the wood, hesitating only a second before rapping smartly at it. My stomach cringed in on itself while I waited, hoping that he and whoever was with him would be happy enough to see me that the questioning could be held off until I was a little more ready to face it. I still had no idea what to say, how to explain that I couldn't tell them what I knew, that I couldn't tell them who Volto was. That their little secret of loving me had been let out of the bag. No, I wouldn't broach that subject. Not yet. I wasn't ready to deal with that idea out in the open until I knew more. Nothing would be more mortifying than bringing up such a touchy subject and finding out you were wrong. You couldn't take something like that back. Not without never being able to show your face again.

I looked at the green wood paneling I had knocked at. Nobody was answering the door.

I peeked in through the warbled glass that decorated the sides of the entrance and tried to make out if I could see movement. Nothing. I knocked again, harder this time. Maybe they couldn't hear me, or Dr. Green wasn't at home.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and stared at the unanswered door. I couldn't walk all the way to my own neighborhood, or to Silas' apartment, or Victor's house, or Luke and Norths. I didn't even know where Mr. Blackbourne lived, so that wasn't an option. I was too far from everyone's, and I couldn't call because the cell phone they had given me had been thrown out into a passing field, courtesy of Derrick. I groaned in frustration and banged my forehead down on the door frame.

And then I remembered my keys.

The boys had presented them to me soon after meeting them, telling me what was theirs was mine. I had them in my skirt's solitary pocket along with a half used chapstick and a small wad of cash, tips from working at Uncle's diner. I slipped my hand in my pocket and fingered at them, clinking them through my fingertips as I contemplated whether I should use them to enter Dr. Sean's condo or not. I felt sick. As much as I wanted to feel the way they wanted me to, I still couldn't get myself to just up and make myself at home.

Victor POV

I glared at the screen. This didn't make any sense. Nathan had confirmed a station wagon was parked every week during school hours at Ashley Waters. None of the teachers or faculty owned one though. Legally at least.

I pushed back at Nathan's desk chair and balanced on the back legs, reaching for my phone. Mr. Blackbourne would not be pleased at this. Or maybe he would, it depended on what he gathered from it. It was always hard to tell with him. Hopefully Kota, Silas, and Nathan would make some progress asking around the school for answers while they were down there. I texted Mr. Blackbourne the new development and leaned back while I drummed impatiently on the desk for his answer. Thankfully his response was almost immediate.

Meet Dr. Green and myself at his condo in an hour. We'll take it from there.

I pushed off the desk and grabbed my laptop and keys, locking up before I headed out to my car. I glanced at my watch to confirm how much time I had as I slipped behind the wheel. I would head there now and be fifteen minutes early so I could confirm faculty's relatives car registrations while I waited. Volto would have slipped up somewhere, and I was going to catch it no matter how much searching I had to do.

I'd be damned if I didn't.

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