Part 13

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Luke POV

Whatever Gabe had needed inside had taken just a minute, but he came out with a vastly different attitude. He slammed the door to the car without much pep, and he didn't even curse when he had trouble with the seat belt. It worried me, that and the fact that he wouldn't look me in the eye when I tried to send a silent message asking if he was okay. I knew he was worried about Sang, we all were, but there was something else underlying that. I played with my own seat belt strap, running my fingernail over the cool nylon...thinking. Sang being taken had put all of us in a panic, even Kota. Never thought I would see the guy who had coolly beat North's butt in the battle for team lead lose his cool. I smirked and snuck a glance in to see how said brother was faring. I had already been worried about him for several weeks, and now the exhaustion had purpled out underneath his eyes gloriously. North loved Sang, and for him that meant protecting her. If he couldn't do that, if we couldn't find her before...something bad happened to her, it would kill him-and me. She was our everything. I could only hope that she would accept us all when the time came that we had everyone on board. I glanced over again to Gabe, who was staring out the window at the passing scenery. He and Kota were the only ones who weren't aware we had to share Sang, or lose her. I worried how he would take it when the time came to bring him in on it. I worried about cupcake's reaction most of all though. She seemed to accept all of us in our limited advances, but like Mr. Blackbourne had said she had to be the one to initiate any further overtures of affection. It would be forced otherwise, and if it was forced, it wouldn't work. It had to work, I couldn't imagine having to live without her.

I jarred when I realized we were at Uncle's place. What were we doing here? Mr. Blackbourne was already out of the car and North was powering over to him, ready for a fight like always. I myself wondered what Mr. Blackbourne was up to when Gabe hurried out of the car after them. North spun on him and the two engaged in a colorful battle of curses and rude gestures. At least Gabe was cussing again. I opened my door and stood in the gap, watching wide eyed when Mr. Blackbourne reached into his pocket and swiftly stuck North with a tranquilizer, right in the ass. Aaaand down he went, just after he twisted his face to show how truly horrified he was at Mr. Blackbournes actions. The old serpent didn't even bat an eye. Damn. Note to self: Never turn your back on Mr. Blackbourne.

Will POV

Derrick's motorcycle could still be heard, growing weaker the further he got down the road. I finished applying the bandage to Sang's shoulder, rubbing at the edges of the tape with my nail to make sure it stuck to her pale skin. Having Derrick pissed at us wasn't ideal, but it was better than the alternative. I wanted Sang to trust us, at least a little. Giving her her freedom may buy us some ground there, if she chose to see our cooperation with her as sincere and well meaning.

"Any reason I can't take her back now?"

I raised my glasses and rubbed at an eye. Jay was always willing to dive right in to whatever was happening, a quality that had helped immeasurably during missions. Like our most recent endeavor, for example. In this case however, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to jump in feet first without setting some ground rules. I glanced at Sang. Her expression was hopeful. I sighed and replaced my bent frames, putting my serious face on. She needed to understand the gravity of the situation fully, without misinterpreting the consequences .

"Jay will take you back shortly, but know this Sang. McCoy and Hendricks are after you, and they both have a very nasty side. We will keep an eye on their movements and keep you updated, but still, watch your back. I'll have Karen contact you during gym each day with new developments. You both already talk during this time anyway, so this won't seem a variation in your regular behavior to your group. If there is a need to contact you sooner than this, I'll send you another morse coded message."

I paused momentarily, noting her expression going worried. Or preoccupied, I wasn't sure. Jay lifted his head, looking down his nose at her for a moment and then huffing.

"She doesn't know Morse Will."

Oh. That would make things difficult. Our voice distorter, though very effective at masking our vocalisms and rendering them unidentifiable, did not work over phones. Sang of course didn't need to be deceived that way any more, but I didn't want our true voice patterns in danger of being discovered by her nosy team. There wasn't another viable option right now.

"Learn it, but be discrete about it. Survival is dependent on it."

She nodded resolutely, her green eyes flashing with determination. She would.


"Good, is it all settled then? We should probably head out."

I had a bad feeling about sticking around here out in the open any longer, recalling one time in particular McCoy had spied on us to make sure we were following orders. I shuddered inwardly thinking of the recording Hendricks had played for us of Jade's agonized screams, being tortured because we hadn't delivered an Academy member's car when ordered to. Will nodded and handed me the keys to the rust bucket. Sang watched our interaction, hope written plainly all over her face. God, that girl was growing on me by the minute. I smirked thinking about how she had thrown me, thrown me, over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. My back still ached from the impact. Most of the guys on the football team couldn't manage to best me, let alone put me in pain. Will cleared his throat. Right, I was taking her back. Better get a move on. I nudged her in the direction of the car and we made our way over, Will stumbling occasionally over clods of dirt. He parted ways at the hangar, probably to go start packing up to move base seven to a new location. I would have to help with that after Sang was dropped off, preferably several blocks from one of her minion's homes. I unlocked the door for her, climbing in myself and slamming the door. I started the engine and let it warm up a minute, the old clunker had problems, one of which I had to fix before Monday. I smirked at the reflection of the broken window in the rear view mirror.

"I've never driven a car before. Is it hard?"

I don't think I've been so shocked by such softly spoken words in my whole life. Every teenager drove. It's just what you did. I gaped at her like a fish for far too many beats, and then got out of my seat, slamming my door and going around the car to the other side. Sang had her hand at her throat and looked so frightened at my move, but dammit, she didn't know how to drive! What the hell? Nine guys around her all the time, and they hadn't even taught her the basics yet?! I tore her door open, ignoring the way she cringed away from me. I made a shooing motion with my hands so she would slide over to the driver's side, and she practically flew to cringe behind the steering wheel I had vacated. I got in and whipped my seat belt on, facing her wild panic with a simple curt command.


We spent the next fifteen terrifying minutes circling the hangar's property before I deemed her ready to head out on the road and ordered her to hit the pavement. She didn't want to, I could tell. Did it anyway though, and for that I was proud of her. I got her to follow my directions up to five blocks from that Doctor's place, where she parked very badly and proceeded to slump over the wheel. Not bad for her first try. At least we made it from point A to point B...alive.

"Next lesson, you'll drive in reverse and learn how to park better."

She lifted her head and stared at me like I was insane. I was serious though. This shit needed to be sorted out, the sooner the better. She put a trembling hand on the door handle, hesitating only a moment before climbing shakily out. I slipped over the seat to reclaim the wheel and leaned my head out the window, watching as she adjusted her trashed outfit. I didn't really think Polk-a-dots suited her anyway.

"You know how to get to that Doctor of yours place from here?"

She looked around only a moment before pointing in the right direction. Good girl.

"Right then. I'm gone. careful Sang. And think about what you're getting into."

I still felt her pained stare long after I'd driven out of sight. I hoped we were right about her. We were in huge trouble if our bets on Sang's promises were wrong.

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