Part 9

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Dr. Green POV

The drive to pick up Victor was spent trying to calm the nausea fighting for dominance in my stomach, and I hated it. After finding her discarded phone we had flown down the road Pookie had disappeared and came up short when we hit the highway with no leads to follow. We needed Victor to access any traffic cameras along the route to work out which way Volto had taken our girl. I threw a frantic glance to Owen, who was stoical as always, and sent a text to Victor to meet us outside. I threw my phone down into the cup holder as we pulled up at the Coach's now fully lit residency. Victor waited for us at the end of the drive, one hand straining in his jacket pocket and the other furiously texting on his phone. He noticed us and ran to fling open a door. His face went pallid when he searched the seats and realized she wasn't with us.


I faced the dashboard and swallowed. We had failed to bring her back, and there was sure to be fallout from that. I made a face as I wondered if her kidnapping could have been prevented. Sang had already been kidnapped by Volto once, but that time she hadn't the advantage she held now of knowing his face. The realization of this hit me all at once. He would not be letting her go willingly like last time.

Victor sagged against the door frame and then slumped into the seat that North had moved over from to make room. All three boys silently buckled themselves in as Owen backed out of the drive to the street.

“Emergency family meeting in twenty minutes at your condo. No excuses. Let them know Sean.”

I snatched up my phone again and sent a group text to our boys. I snuck in a glance at Owen. Pookie was supposed to spend an evening with him and myself, and I had hoped to gain a little more ground with her tonight. She already showed all the signs of being head over heels in love with Owen, and I still couldn't figure out how the hell the cold bastard had managed it. I had never had a hard time charming the ladies we had come into contact with over the years we had worked together, and it was always the same story every time. The ladies preferred me, and it was no wonder with his penchant for never showing emotion. I mean, just how appealing could it be to kiss a human statue? Not that Sang had kissed him, he would have surely confessed...I think. I cast another glance at my best friend's granite features and concealing steel-gray eyes. I still didn't get it. Every time he spoke or entered the room she became completely enraptured. I had never had to work so hard at keeping a female's attention and getting much desired affection the way I had to with Sang. She was so different from other girls, in a league all of her own. I wanted her love so bad it hurt. At the very least I had to keep up with Owen's envied position while I tried to wheedle my way into Pookie's heart.

Mr. Blackbourne POV

Thirty minutes later and we still didn't have any answers. Mr. Morgan was setting a world record for typing speed in his relentless search for more information on where Sang had been taken. The security feeds he had tapped into for the highway showed no sign of the offending vehicle, which meant that a lesser traveled road had been selected for the getaway route. A license plate search had turned up non existent plates. I poured over the street map of the area, calculating the distance that could have been achieved by now. With every passing minute the area got larger, and Sang would be more difficult to locate. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. Mr. Korba and Mr. Taylor had been sent to drop off the flash drive to the team that had requested the data. Our proximity and connections to the Ashley Waters Football coach had given us an in, and consequentially had earned a few more favors for our team.

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