Part 19

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North POV

The fish weren't cooperating today. I brushed my long hair out of my eyes and checked my other trap, pulling at the wet rope to raise it out of the water. Fuck. Nothing. I would go hungry today if I couldn't catch something soon. I gazed out over the ocean and listened to the waves sloppily slap against the side of my little boat. The horizon was swiftly darkening now that the sun had disappeared. I squinted out over the choppy green water and waited. I knew it was out there under the surface, the monster that would come to steal the only fish I would catch today. It always did.

You're in a dream, stupid.

I was in the middle of one of my usual dreams, one where I was in Greece and scrabbling to survive as a boy after I had run away from home. I shuddered as I looked at my arms, scrawny and weak and hopeless. I had to break out of the dream somehow. I searched around the bottom of the boat, gliding my hands across the weathered wood and rubbing at it desperately, trying to get myself to feel the bed I knew I was in. The rough wood eventually turned to soft blankets in my grasp and I let out my breath heavily in relief. Thank god I averted that frightening disaster. I opened my eyes and gazed at the ceiling for a minute or two before I recognized the molding that decorated Doc's house. What the hell was I doing here?

Oh yeah...Mr. Blackbourne had shot me with a tranquilizer dart. I remembered the cold look in his eyes that told me This is for your own good, Mr. Taylor, after he had nailed me in the ass. I pressed my lips together in annoyance. I wanted so badly to back-talk him for this, but wasn't sure if I dared. I sighed and closed my eyes again. At least I felt rested now, though I could still feel the lingering effects of the tranquilizer in my hands and feet. I clenched my fists and opened them in succession and then rubbed at the blanket, trying to get the slight numbness away. My hand bumped into something soft and I turned to see what it was.


She was still kidnapped though. There was no way she could be asleep beside me, wearing a rock and roll t shirt and her hair spread out on the pillow like some kind of fairy tale princess. I got up on an elbow and looked around at the doc's empty room. None of my brothers were here. This was a little too wish-fulfillment to be real. Besides, I had been plugged right outside of Uncle's, so I should be in my trailer or his house. I was still dreaming then, damn it.

I looked back over at Sang. Might as well make the best of it.

I shifted myself closer and brushed my fingers across her dark blonde lashes, letting the soft tips tickle the pads of my fingertips. So pretty. Her eyes fluttered and I pulled my hand back, watching quietly as my dream-Sang woke up. I waited until her eyes were fully open and looking at me before I swooped in and captured her mouth, nibbling all along her bottom lip and pulling her closer by her waist. This was the best dream ever. Her lips felt real and she was so warm and soft. I felt my body responding to her, and decided to do something I had always wanted to do with her but had never the nerve to go through with it. I grabbed her sweet ass and ground myself onto her hard through our clothes. Her eyes widened in surprise and I grinned against her mouth, grunting at how good it felt.

Too damn good, actually. Dreams usually didn't feel this real and amazing, did they North? I slowly stilled, my hand still clutched on her lower region and thinking through the possibility that Sang may actually be here in my arms. It was impossible, wasn't it?

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