Part 6

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Sang POV

I was going to be so grounded when this was over, and I was actually looking forward to it. IF Derrick let me go that is, or else I escaped. I glanced around the car's dark space, seeking anything that could help me get away. I kicked at the door, then placed both feet against the seat and shoved Derrick against the other door behind us as hard as I could. Derrick grunted in pain, pulling his hold on me even tighter and bracing himself against my onslaught. I cried out when his arms became too restricting and painful. I stilled, trying to get him to let go of me by being compliant...for the moment.

“You're hurting me.” I whimpered.

He froze at this, and a dry voice barked back at us from the front seat.

“Let her loose Derrick. The child locks are engaged.”

I knew that voice. I turned my head to get a better look at the driver. He was broad and muscled, shaved head. His face turned slightly to flick a look into the back at us, and then turned just as suddenly back to the road. I gaped like a fish out of water at him. Jay was involved in this? How...what...when?


Derrick's curse brought my attention back to my current position, securely restrained in his arms. I smelled him everywhere around me, the scent that had enticed me to investigate and landed me caught in this net. He moved slightly, trapping both of my wrists under one arm and moving his other hand just under my heaving chest. I stiffened. He wasn't going to...I mean, he wouldn't dare...not with Jay in the...Oh god, yes he would.

Derrick grabbed roughly at the underside of my bra and pulled it away from my body. My breath came in sharp, terrified pants as he lifted my butt off the seat with his own hips, then dropped my body down sharply against the seat. My phone jarred loose and clattered to the floor.

He let go of my arms and bra all at once and shoved me across the bouncing seat to the other side, making a quick grab for the phone. I reached desperately back for it, my only lifeline to the boys. He held me back with a foot as I clawed uselessly at his thigh. He swiped at the screen and then tapped at it for a moment before instructing Jay to open his window. I lunged as the window squeaked down, but I was too late. Derrick pulled the phone back and launched it out into the passing scenery, out of my reach. I couldn't help it. I burst into tears. Derrick looked at a loss but still held his grim determination, staring at me with his dark eyes as I lost it. Jay tightened his one-handed hold on the steering wheel and his lips tightened over his already serious face. I wailed the only question I could think of in my misery.


Neither of them answered me, but both reacted. Jay rubbed a substantive hand over his stark features, and Derrick ran his hands through his hair repeatedly as if he was trying to scrub my question out of his mind. My despair intensified, and then gave way suddenly to a hot, indignant anger. I twisted in the seat and lifted my foot, aiming for the glass and kicking hard. If they were going to kidnap me, then I was going to give them hell until they either let me go, or I got away from them myself. The glass bonged lowly but held...not good enough Sang. I kicked out again, panicking that I wouldn't be able to break it at all, and was rewarded with a sharp crack and webbed fractures splintering across the glass. One more, and I'd have it. The car swerved sharply and rocked my balance, and I lost momentum on my third kick so that it ineffectively bounced off of the solid part of the door. I really needed to take some lessons from Nathan I mused, lifting my foot up for another round. Derrick cursed and shoved his arms under my armpits up to his elbows, holding my arms back and dragging my feet away from the window. I struggled against him furiously, trying to buck him off and still flailing wildly out with my feet at the glass, even though I knew it was useless. I couldn't reach the window. Derrick pulled his legs up around mine and squashed mine down using his weight. I struggled for a minute uselessly, then paused, breathing hard. We stayed like that for a minute before he finally spoke up.

“You done?”


He sighed but kept his hold under my arms and legs over my lap. I was suddenly exhausted. I wanted to be back with the boys. I wanted Silas' arms around me instead of Derrick's. I wanted to feel all the boy's reassuring touches, see Dr. Sean's easy smile, and Mr. Blackbourne's perfect presence. I wanted Meanie to wash my frazzled hair. I wanted, I wanted...a coughing sob escaped my throat and I fell limp against Derrick. I wanted them all. Every one of them. Tears rimmed my eyes and blurred my vision as I thought of them. The car abruptly slowed and I blinked away my tears, wondering if I could use the opportunity to somehow get out and make a run for it. I tensed, Derrick's arms jerking tighter into my armpits as the vehicle stopped and the front passenger door was thrown open. I was so shocked by the face that appeared that I literally couldn't breath. Karen looked back at me and Derrick in surprise, and then whipped her head over to Jay to glare at him. His usual stoic face only showed a trace of regret and apology. She shook her head slightly, and then climbed into the seat, slamming the door and muttering to herself about idiotic men and castration. She quieted as Jay took off again and all I could do was stare at the back of her head in mute bewilderment.

“You too, Karen?”

I surprised myself with my own bitter and accusation-filled voice breaking the silence. She flinched, and then distracted herself with her seat belt, fumbling with it more than necessary. I glanced back and forth between all of them. I had trusted them all to a point, yet here they all were. The months of fear and uncertainty the boys and I had gone through, it was all them. It made no sense. I darted my gaze from Jay, to Karen, and then back to Jay again when something clicked. The voice I had heard earlier in Derrick's ear had been neither Jay, who had an unmistakable dry raspy voice, nor Karen, who's voice was decidedly female. I honed in on Jay, confident I was right in my assumption.

“Who's your boss?”

Jay breathed a growl through his nose, but apparently got over his irritation promptly and surprisingly decided to answer my bold question.

“We're taking you to meet him now.”

The sounds of the road filled my ears as I pondered that bit of information. I took in all the surroundings I could in the dark around us, committing them to memory before they could think to cover my eyesight.

“Good, because I have a few things I want to set straight with him.”

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