You're Back/Moon Rings

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Third Person POV:

The king and queen along with the six friends all swam where they first met. The king then transformed all five friends back into humans. He then turns toward Colby. "Now Cole, you're mother and I were thinking and we came to the conclusion that not only are you responsible but you're also ready to live in the human world," the king said while looking at Colby. "Wait mom, dad, you're saying that?" Colby began to ask. "Yes dear, we are allowing you to live in the human world alongside your true love and friends," the queen answered with a smile on her face. Colby then swam toward the king and queen and hugged them tightly. "Thanks, mom and dad," Colby said while releasing his parents from their hug.

The king then aimed his triton toward Colby and a blueish and goldish glow surrounded him. Transforming his black and blue tail back into his old legs. Colby was also back to wearing his former swim trunks as well. Colby then swam up to the surface and called out to his love.

Sam's POV:

The gang and I were standing near the sea when suddenly, "Sam!" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned to see Colby back in his human form running toward me. I then ran toward him and we then launched ourselves into a hug. "You're back," I said while he swung us around. "Of course I am," he said while he released us from our hug. "But how?" I asked him. "My parents agreed that not only am I responsible enough but I'm also ready to live in the human world alongside you and our friends," he said while holding my hands in his.

Colby's POV:

"Cole!" I turned to see my mom and dad standing there. Sam and I then walked toward them. "Cole, can you please call your friends over as well? Your mother and I have something to share with you all," my dad said. I nodded my head as I then called out to the gang.

Moments later, the gang was now standing beside me and Sam. "Cole, your mother and I have something to give to you and your friends," my dad said. He then raised his triton and six black boxes magically appeared. Then one by one we were all given a black box. We then together opened the boxes at the same time only to see that each box held a precious ring.

"These are moon rings," my mom said. "These rings can give you all the ability to turn back into mermaids and mermen whenever you guys want to visit Mermainia. All you have to do is focus on wanting to be a mermaid or merman then vice versa when switching back." my mom explained, "However," my dad spoke. "You all have to make sure to charge your rings on the night of every full moon." "Don't worry we promise!" we said in unison. "Also," my mom added. "Each ring is the same color as your tail."

We all then looked at our rings and sure enough, my mom was right. Jake had a red and black swirl ring, Tara had a pink and black swirl ring, Corey got a purple and black swirl ring, and Devyn got a purple and pink swirl ring. Sam and I, however, got matching rings since the colors were black and blue.

We all together put on our rings. We then all thanked my mom and dad.

"Now before we leave we want you all to promise us to take care of our precious son," my dad said while looking at Sam and the gang. Sam then wrapped an arm around me, "We promise your majesties," they said in unison. "I especially promise to love and protect Colby with all my heart," Sam said as he intertwined our hands together. 

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