Revenge Part 1

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A/N: Since this was the only clip of mean girls 2 that I can find that's similar to this chapter. So this will have to do.

Colby's POV

After lunch, I ran to my locker only to be confronted by Chelsea. "Leave me alone," I growled at her. "Hmm nope boyfriend stealer," she smirked at me. Chelsea then slapped me across my face and then she grabbed a fistful of my hair and aggressively slammed my face against my locker. Fortunately only the left side of my face hit my locker. I then quickly turn and fearfully looked at her.

She then grabbed a fistful of my hair and made me look at her. "Stay away from my Sammy or I'll tell the whole school that you love him and that you stole him from me. Understood?" she hissed while slamming the back of my head against my locker. I just nodded my head in response and with that, she left. I then slid down my locker and silently cried onto my knees.

"Colbs?" I look up to see Sam and I remembered our lockers were next to each other. "Colbs, what's wrong?" Sam asked me as he sat beside me. "N-nothing," I replied as I turned away from him. As I turned, I spotted Chelsea with a pissed-off face as she stormed to her next class. I softly whimpered in fear.

"Colby, please tell me what's wrong?" Sam asked me. "I can't," I said quietly. Sam then pulled me into a hug and I melted into him. Minutes later I calmed down as we headed into our classes. The rest of the day was ok. Tara and Devyn gave me their numbers so we can talk privately.

Sam's POV:

Once the bell rang Colby bolted out of the cafeteria. I then quickly dumped out my tray and ran as fast as I can. By the time I got to our lockers, I noticed Colby was crying with his head on his knees.

I went up to him and asked what was wrong but he just looked away and said nothing. It hurt me seeing him like that. I begged him to tell me what was wrong as I heard him softly whimper in fear. He then replied by saying he couldn't.

I then embraced him in a hug as he tried his best to calm down. Once he calmed down we both went to our classes. Throughout the whole day, I thought to myself about how I can figure out what was wrong with Colby.

Following day

Colby's POV:

When Sam and I got to our lockers, my eyes widened as I froze after seeing the words "Boyfriend Stealer," written all over my locker. "What the fuck?!" Sam asked while looking around. But before I could say anything, the she-devil herself appeared.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the boyfriend stealer," Sam and I turned to see Chelsea smirking at me. "Leave him alone Chelsea!" I turned to see Tara, Devyn, Jake, and Corey standing by me and Sam.

"Watch out girls or the boyfriend stealer will take your man as he did to me," Chelsea said to a group of kids who were now surrounding us. "Chelsea Stop Saying Things That Aren't True!" Sam yelled at her. "Colby never stole me from you. I broke up with you after what you did to him."

At this point, I couldn't handle it anymore so I ran out of the school. I ran to an abandoned beach mansion that I found where I hid and cried my eyes out. After a solid thirty minutes or so, I heard footsteps approaching me follow by voices calling out to me.

"Colby!" I look up to see Sam and the gang with worried faces. "Colby we were worried sick about you," Devyn said. "Yeah brother we thought we lost you for good," Jake also spoke out. "I'm just glad we found you," Sam said as he knelt down and hugged me. "I'm sorry," I said as I hugged him back while burying my face in the crook of his neck.

After we released ourselves from our hug, he looked at me. "Ready to go back?" I shook my head no. I was scared to go back. "I promise we would be with you the whole day ok?" Sam said in a gentle promising voice. I then nodded my head and we stood up. I reached for my bag but Sam grabbed it instead. "Don't worry I'll take it," he said with a smile on his face. We then walked back to school.

Time skip to lunch

During lunch, I was talking with Sam and the gang until I felt a cold, sticky, liquid running down my head. I gasped as I look up to see Chelsea pouring her chocolate milk on me. "Oops sorry thought you were the trash can." she sneered.

"Here let me help oh oops," she then dumped her whole lunch on me and the whole school was now laughing at me. I then ran out of the cafeteria crying as I made my way to the bathroom. I was completely humiliated. 

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