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Still Colby's POV:

Time skip to lunch

During lunch, I sat with Tara and Devyn at our tree spot since I wanted to talk to them in private. I told them how Chelsea snapped at me and Addy for playing loud and how she pushed her after insulting her so I snapped at her and protectively hid Addy behind me.

I also told them how Addy saw Chelsea torture me by beating me up. They were furious but I told them I was glad Sam broke up with her.

Time Skip to them at Sam's house

Once we were in my and Sam's room, I told them everything I told Sam's family and how I was the one that saved Sam from drowning. At first, they didn't believe me but when I opened up my locket and showed them Mermainia and my family portrait, they were shocked.

"You see Sam I told you I was right!" Devyn squealed. I was confused but then Sam explained Devyn's theory to me. "Alright alright you were right Dev," Sam replied with a cute smile on his face. "Just promise me none of you would say anything?" I begged. " Promise!," they said in unison. " So what does your crush look like?" Tara asked me. "He has blonde hair and green eyes," I lied.

Moments later Sam, Jake, and Corey went downstairs for Pizza and drinks while the girls and I stayed upstairs. "Ok now seriously what does your crush really look like?"Tara asked me. "I told you guys already," I told her.

"Colby," Devyn whined. I sighed and decided to just tell them. "Ok ok fine it's actually Sam," I told them. Both girls squealed in excitement. "Shush! I don't want them to know," I shushed them. "That explains why that bitch hated you," Tara said. "Y-yeah she found out without me even telling her," I told them as I looked at the floor.

"Oh hell no she better not tell Sam," Tara said. My eyes widen at the possibility. "Oh no if she does then not only will she humiliate me but she'll also ruin everything between me and Sam," I replied back. "Don't worry Colbs me and Dev got your back," Tara assured me while placing her hand on my knee.

"Yeah Colby, Tara, and I will help you win Sam's heart, " Devyn told me. "Really you will?" I asked her. "Of course, you two will make a cute couple," Tara told me. Just then Sam and the guys came. Jake gave a plate and soda to Tara, Corey gave a plate and soda to Devyn, and Sam gave me a plate and soda too.

"Hope you like it," Sam said with a tiny smile on his cute face. I slightly blushed as I thanked him. I then took a bite of pizza and I moaned at how delicious it was. Everyone laughed at my reaction. "This is really good," I told them.

"Brother you're going to love human food," Jake said. "I think I will," I replied to him. As I was eating I noticed Sam would glance and smile my way.

Sam's POV:

While the guys and I were getting pizza and sodas, I couldn't stop feeling bad for Colby. "Hey brother you alright?" Jake asked me. "Yeah I just can't stop feeling bad for Colby," I replied. "Maybe you should make it up to him for how badly Chelsea treated him?" Corey suggested.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll think of something later but for now, let's go eat." I said back. We then went upstairs and as the guys were giving the girls their plates and sodas, I gently gave Colby his plate and soda.

As Colby took his first bite of Pizza, he moaned about how good it was. His reaction was the cutest. The whole time we were eating and talking I couldn't help but glance and smile at him.

Time Skip to them at school

The following day during first period I made sure I sat in between Chelsea and Colby. I saw her sending daggers his way. Colby just looked scared.

"Hey, Colbs, it's ok just ignore her ok?" I said as I gently held his left hand in mine. He looked at me and I think I saw him slightly blush as he nodded his head. "Ugh," I turned to see Chelsea with a face full of disgust. I just rolled my eyes at her as I looked to see Colby let go of my hand as he looked down at his desk again.

During lunch, we all sat together but Colby was very quiet. I also saw Colby didn't get lunch. "Colbs, here," I said offering half of my food to him. He just shook his head no as he pushed it back to me.

"Colby here have my apple," Devyn said in a sweet voice. He took it and began eating small bites. "Give him time Sam ok?" Devyn said to me. I just nodded my head.

Fish Out of Water ( A Solby Fanfic )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora