Mermaids & Mermen/ The Plan

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Colby's POV:

As soon as Sam left, Cassandra released me right away. "Now that he's out of the picture," she said as she began to swim my way. "I guess it's just you and me now," she smirked as she leaned in to kiss me."Cassandra stop," I said as I swam away from her.

"What's the matter my love?" she asked me with a smile on her face. "I don't want to marry you," I told her. "Look Colby we had a deal," she snapped at me. "Yeah well, I don't care cause I love Sam and he loves me!" I snapped at her.

I then pushed Cassandra aside and I swam all the way home to my parents. Once I got home, I saw my parents pacing back and forth in the throne room. "Mom? Dad?" I called to them as I swam to them.

"Cole!" my parents said when they swam toward me. "Where on earth have you been son?" my dad asked me. I then told them about how Cassandra helped me become a human and how I fell in love with a human boy and how kind and caring he is. Not to mention how handsome he is as well.

"Now Cassandra is forcing me to marry her," I told them as my eyes began to tear up." You really love him do you, dear?" my mom asked me. "Yes, mom more than anything and I know he loves me too. He told me himself just seconds before we were going to kiss. But we were unfortunately interrupted by Cassandra."

"Well son your mother and I don't condone what you did but we can't stand seeing you sad for we know that nothing could stand before true love," my dad told me. Soon enough my mom and dad hugged me and I hugged them back.

Just then I saw rubble stealing my dad's triton. "Dad The Triton!" I shouted. I then swam behind rubble chasing him in the process. I then froze when I saw him give the triton to Cassandra. "Good boy Rubble!" she praised while petting his head.

"Cassandra give me back the triton!" I growled at her. "Only if you promise to forget about Sam and marry me," she replied while smirking at me. " No, Never I Love Him Too Much To Let Him Go! " I yelled at her. I then pushed her harshly away with my powers as I swam and grabbed the triton. I then swam up out of the water to check and see if Sam was there. I then spotted Sam along with the gang. "Sam!" I then called out to him.

Sam's POV:

I waited for about ten to fifteen minutes before I look up to see the gang show up. "Sam, what's wrong?" Corey asked. "Yeah, where's Colby?" Tara asked as well. I then explained everything that happened. "We have to help Colby," I told them. "But how brother we won't last long underwater?" Jake asked me. But before I could answer I heard a voice call out to me so I turned toward the water to see Colby swimming our way with what appeared to be a triton. Before you ask, yes, I know what a triton is. Thanks to Addy who forces me to watch The Little Mermaid every now and then.

Colby's POV:

"Colby!" Sam yelled as he made his way toward me and engulfed me in a hug. We then released ourselves from our hug as we heard a voice call out to me. I turned to see my mom and dad smiling and looking at me.

"Mom, Dad, I want to introduce you to someone," I said as I motioned for them to swim forward. "Mom, Dad, this is Sam, my true love," I told them as I turned to see Sam blush like crazy. "My you were right son, he sure is handsome," my mom said making me blush in embarrassment. "Mom!" I whined.

"Thank you and it's a pleasure to meet you too your majesties," Sam replied while bowing down. "I also want to introduce you to my friends," I said as I called for the gang to come over. Soon enough they came and stood around Sam.

"Mom, Dad, these are my friends, Jake and Corey, and their girlfriends Devyn and Tara," I said as I pointed to each of them. "It's a pleasure to meet you your majesties," they replied in unison while bowing down. "It's a pleasure to meet you all," my mom said. "Thank you all for taking good care of my son," my dad also said. "You're welcome your majesties, we enjoyed having Colby as part of our group," Sam replied.

I then gave the triton to my dad. "Son I'm afraid the whole kingdom might be in great danger," my dad said. "Why dad?" I asked him. "Since you refuse to marry Cassandra, her mother the sea witch Roxanna might avenge her daughter by taking over the kingdom until you marry Cassandra,"

"But dad I can't I don't love her!" I exclaimed. "I know son which is why I need your help so we can trap Cassandra and Roxanna so we could send them to a whirlpool dungeon far away from Mermainia," my dad replied.

I then turned to Sam and then back to my dad to which I asked, "Dad is there a way that Sam and my friends could help?" My dad thought for while, "there is one way," he replied. "Really?! How?!" I asked him.

My dad told us about how my great-great-grandfather fell in love and married a human girl after he met her while swimming one day. My dad said that my great-great-grandfather used a spell given to him by Roxanna's grandfather. They used to be friends.

My great-great-grandfather kept a copy of the spell while Roxanna's grandfather kept the original after they split up. My dad then raised his triton as he chanted the spell. Moments later a golden glow appeared around Sam and the gang.

Then one by one they each received a tail. Corey got a purple and black tail, while Devyn got a purple and pink tail, Jake got a red and black tail and Tara got a pink and black tail. Sam, on the other hand, received a blue and black tail.

"Now you're all mermaids and mermen," I said with a smile on my face. "Woah this is sick! " Jake exclaimed. "I always dreamed of being a mermaid when I was a little girl," Tara said. I then swam up to Sam and hugged him. He immediately hugged me back.

"Oh, My God!" Devyn squealed with excitement. "What's wrong baby?" Corey asked her. "Sam And Colby Have Similar Tails!" she squealed again. Sam and I looked at our tails and realized Devyn was right they were similar. My tail was black and blue while Sam's was blue and black.

"I can't believe it," my mom said with astonishment in her voice. "The legend, it's true!" she exclaimed. "What legend?" I asked them."There's a sea legend that is known all over the sea. It is said that in order for a mermaid or merman to find their soulmate, their significant other or true love must have either identical or similar-looking tails. It's rare but it does happen," my dad explains.

"So you're saying...?" I began. "That Colby and I are...?" Sam continued. "Soulmates?!" Sam and I asked in unison while looking at each other. (Hopefully, this makes sense since they're talking at once) "Yes," my parents answered in unison. I couldn't believe it, I always thought Sam and I were meant to be and destiny just proved that we were.

"So um dad how do we help save the kingdom?' I asked while holding Sam's hand in mine. "Well Cole, your mother and I trust you and your friends to stall Roxanna and Cassandra while we go and get four guards to help seize them." my dad explained. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

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