Run Away

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Colby's POV:

Once I got home my mom and dad were furious! "Son Where The Hell Were You?" My father asked in a stern voice. "I just went out for a swim I don't see no problem of me going out to think," I replied back. "Of course, not dear, but you abandoned the last girl we wanted you to meet," my mother replied with a hand on my chin and the other on my left shoulder. "She was very excited to meet you but her excitement left after we couldn't find you. So we told her and her parents that we'll call them whenever you were ready to meet her."

"But that's just it!" I replied while shaking her off of me. "I don't want to get married at least not yet anyway. I want to live my life and explore the world. All my teenage years were spent learning about the Dos and Don'ts of being a king. If I were to get married it will be with who I love and when not who you two love and now."

My parents were shocked by my words that I decided right then and there that I would go to bed. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to bed. Good night!" I then swam to my bed got under my seaweed covers and drifted off to sleep thinking about my blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty.

I woke up in a very happy mood I decided to go for a swim. I tried to sneak away from my parents but of course, that was a fail. " Where do you think you're going, Cole?" I turned to see my father standing behind me.

"I'm going for a swim," I replied back. " Very well but come back on time since we do have to continue our search for your new bride." I felt my blood boil didn't I make myself clear to them yesterday?!

"I thought I told you guys that I don't want to get married yet!" I raised my voice back at him. "Cole! Don't you dare raise your voice at us!" my mom said as she appeared from behind my dad.

"But I -" "No buts," my father interrupted me. "You're getting married and that's final. Do you understand?" my father said in a stern voice. "Yes sir," I mumbled back. I then swam to my favorite rock.

As I got to my rock I made sure there was no one there and fortunately no fishizens or humans were around. I lay on my back thinking about my blonde beauty and how we would have a beautiful future together. I sigh, "How I wish I can be with you my blonde beauty."

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Cassandra and her eel Rubble watching me. "Well hello, Cole!" I sat up and saw them looking at me. "I prefer Colby thank you very much," I said while rolling my eyes at her.

"Well then Colby, I couldn't help but hear you say you wished to be with a certain blonde beauty," she replied while putting air quotes around blonde beauty. I looked at her annoyed that she was spying on me.

"Why were you spying on me?" "I wasn't spying on you I was taking Rubble out for a swim when we saw you here," she replied while petting Rubble's back. "Whatever now can you please leave?" I asked with a slight annoyance in my voice. "Oh but don't you want me to help you be with your love?" she asked me with a smirk on her face.

I then looked at her with a confused look on my face. "What are you talking about Cassandra?" "Hello daughter of a sea witch here !" she said while waving her hands around. "I can totally help you be with your lover."

My eyes widen at the idea," Really?! You can do that?!" "But of course! Under a small condition." "What is it ?" I asked her. "Come to my cave and I'll tell you." I thought to myself, what do I got to lose I mean my parents don't care about how I feel. Also, this could be my chance to see and get to know my true love.

"Ok let's go," I said as I jumped back into the water. "Excellent!" she replied with that smirk of hers. We then swam to her cave and it was kind of creepy. "Alright Colby, " she called to me while holding a purple glowing bottle.

"This spell will help you by turning your tail into human legs thus, making you completely human." I then reached for the bottle but she moved back away from my reach. "Ah ah ah, not so fast, you see Colby you have until the last sunset of the last day of the month to have your true love fall in love with you." "What happens if he doesn't?" I asked fearfully. "If he doesn't then not only will you turn back into a merman but you'll also have no choice but to marry me after your eighteenth birthday. So do we have a deal?"

I thought for a moment but I knew I have no choice, this was my only choice to be with him. I sigh, "Deal." She then gave me the bottle and I drank the potion. It tasted really bad but within moments I realized my black and blue tail had turned into a pair of legs.

I somehow managed to swim to my rock and climbed on it. The whole time I swam, I held my breath since I couldn't breathe underwater anymore. I stayed on my rock until nightfall. Once it was nighttime I got down from my rock and got myself back into the water.

I saw a house with clothing hanging on some type of line so I swam towards it making sure no one else saw me. Once I got to the house I checked my surroundings to make sure no one was around. When the coast was clear, I got out and I walked - well-tried to walk - to the house and I took a red and white striped tank top, beige shorts, and boxers.

Once I put on my "new" clothes, which fit perfectly. I then decided to walk around the warm sand. As I was walking for about five minutes or so I suddenly saw him, my blonde beauty. 

Fish Out of Water ( A Solby Fanfic )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ