Chapter 7

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**Ahh a new part!!! This one is unedited so feel free to point out any major mistakes to me :) Other than that, I hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote!**

The only thing I could really think in this situation was this ‘Thank God that my best friend is here in the room’. If she had not been, all hell would have broken loose. As it was, I was standing there staring at Jack like a deer in the headlights. The moment our skin touched, I knew he was the one for me. This wolf that I had only just met.

            The world stood still as I stood and stared at this man. My wolf was inside of me clawing so hard at my resolve, that she almost got out. She would have, if I had not been saying ‘remember Melissa’ over and over again in my mind. This did not calm her though. She wanted to be out of the confines of her human prison and pleasure this man.

            My jaw hung so far open that it was touching the floor. I could not believe my wolf! I had never once thought such a thing towards a man. No matter how good looking he was, I had only just met him. This kind of behavior was inexcusable.

            Instead of rapping my arms around Jack and kissing the life out of him, I wrenched my arm out of his iron like grip and ran over to Melissa. Like the coward I was, I ran behind Mel and made her a barrier between the wolf and I. This could not erase the way his presence suffocated me in this room.

            Even from my position behind Mel, I was still openly gaping at Jack. He looked so out of control in this moment, and I was struck with a sense of dread. He looked very close to shifting.

            Jack was hunched over, with his arms wrapped tightly around his waist. I could see his light arm hair start to thicken and darken before my eyes. His eyes were also squeezed shut though I could see that they were already angled down in the shape of a wolf’s.

            Though only person that I had ever seen shift was myself, and I knew that I was not like this wolf. I imagined that the process would be a lot less painful for a full wolf like him, though I really had no clue. My only hope is that he had enough control over his wolf to stop him from shifting in front of poor Mel.

            Mel looked like she was just about to go into shock. The human girl could see every little changed that was going over his body. She was not stupid, I could tell that she knew something was completely wrong.

            Whatever Jack was doing to stop his shifting was not working. His forehead was covered in sweat from exertion and no one had ever looked sexier than he did at this moment. Well, I am sure that there are much more attractive poses that Jack could be in, but just the raw male of him was appealing.

            My wolf liked seeing him so close to his beast. She was stirring up images in my mind that did something terrible to me; gave my body a reaction that I have never felt before.

            Something between my things clenched very hard, and I could feel an unknown wetness soak through my underwear. My hormones were racing out of control.

            Jack froze. He had stopped fighting. His arms dropped to his sides and his head raised so that his now opened eyes could meet mine. They were the eyes of a predator; fully wolf now and not even resembling what a human’s should be. His pupils were so dilated that they practically took up his whole iris. None of the white of his eye was showing either.

            His body was starting to transform faster than mine ever had. Both of his arms and neck were now completely covered in fur and I could hear his bones pop out of place. Mel was lying on the ground now and I was not quite sure when she had fainted. I was glad that she did not have to witness such an unnatural thing.

            Jack’s beast started to stalk toward me. He has still standing on two legs and was mostly human. He had only started the transformation process.

            It was like I was living in a haze. My brain was telling me that this was a very bad situation to be in. My best friend was fainted on the floor and I had trapped myself in a cellar with an out of control were-wolf. One who I was extremely attracted to.

            Since Mel was no longer awake to witness this, there was nothing to distract my mind from shifting. My wolf was taking great advantage to this because she had wiggled her way out of my mind and was just about to start taking control of my numb body.

            That was until growling erupted into the room. It was loud and menacing, but it was not coming from Jack. The sound was coming from around the corner where the staircase and hatch door was located.

            Jack was not distracted; he was still stalking toward me. With every step forward he took, he became more and more like his true animal nature. And I also took steps backwards to match his forward steps.

            I however was quite alarmed. From around the corner stepped just the person I had been dreading; the reason I had locked myself in this stupid cellar with Mel. Behind the man that had chased me in the forest were two other men though neither of them I recognized. Seeing the man made my resolve strengthen to keep my wolf at bay. He certainly knew that there was something wrong with me and that meant that I had to be as human as possible. I could not let him see my wolf.

            If there was something spoken between the three wolves then my human eyes would not detect it. But as one, the other two men stepped forward and each latched on to one of Jack’s arms. Now this made him notice the men and he was NOT happy. Jackson looked ready to kill. In the blink of an eye, one of them men had pulled out a syringe and stabbed it into Jack’s arm. I do not think he felt or saw it, he was so furious, but the effects it made were obvious and instantaneous. Whatever drug it was, it made him turn back completely to his human form. One second he was a sickening mix between human and animal, and the next second he was just a human again.

            He too looked like he was going to fall over onto the floor like Mel had. Apparently though, he was coherent enough to be lead down the hall and out towards the outside world by the same man who had stabbed him with a needle. The other man picked up Melissa’s limp body and started to carry her to wherever Jack was going.

            “Wait!” I cried, finally feeling some of my common-sense returning. “Where are you taking her?”

            The man carrying Mel did not regard my question but instead kept on walking like I had never spoken. The last man standing, the man who had chased me through the woods, was the one to give me my answer.

            He smiled broadly at me. It was an attractive smile on an attractive man. That did not stop it from turning my stomach. The smile was not dark or evil in any way but the mental picture of his tattoo branded in my mind told me that he was. His smile said this to me ‘you can trust me’. My gut was telling me this was the same kind of trust a child puts in a complete stranger. Before the stranger kidnaps the child and the family never sees their little one ever again.

**Thanks again for reading! And remember that votes and comments are very apreciated :) Also here is your next question:

 What are your favorite tv shows? I am personally a big fan of the shows Doctor Who, Sherlock, Community, IT Crowd, Adventure Time, Modern Family, and The Neighbors. Any shows that you recommend I should watch?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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