"Why you little!"

Chaos ensued as the angry chef chased the frantic white crawfish with knives and cleavers. Angel fled from the cooking area and over to where everyone was dining. He hopped and crawled about each table and Emile was close behind trying to chop him to bits. Dishes and glassware were smashed, drinks were spilled, the guests leapt back in horror.

"I wonder what's taking dinner so long." Rosie said. "Emile is normally on time."

"Well he is feeding countless people." Alastor said. "He's probably feeding everyone in Chant de la Mer."

"Fair point. I just can't wait for you all to try his dish. It's by far the best on my menu."

"Rosie is he serving Japanese food?" Beth asked.

"No dear. He's a Cajun chef."

"Then why is he coming at our tables with cutlery?"

"What are you-"

Beth pointed to the crawfish scuttling on their table and Emile charging full speed ahead with sharp blades swinging.

"Merciful heavens!"

Rosie wrapped her arms around Beth's shoulders and pulled her from the table, Alastor scooped Charlie into a bridal hold and carried out of the way, the four of them watching the chaotic scene in confused fright.

"What in the world is going on?" Charlie asked. "I know dining customs here are different from what I'm used to but this is very strange. Dare I say, bordering on insanity."

"This is most certainly not a dining custom." Rosie said protectively shielding Beth. "At least not in my employment. Emile! Stop this at once!"

But the enraged chef didn't hear her. He was too busy trying to subject Angel to his vengeful wrath.

"You don't wanna do this man!" Angel practically screamed. "I'm not tender! And I have no meat on my bones! I'm a twig!"

Again, no one heard him. But someone was able to figure out what happened. When Vaggie came back with her drink, she discovered the mayhem and the fact that Angel was missing. And she also noticed Husk's powder on the ground and that the crawfish was the same color as Angel's hair.

"Oh my God!"

She dropped her glass and raced after Emile. Thinking fast, she tripped him and while he was down, she waved Angel to hide in her dress pocket. He scooted toward her quickly and jumped right into the stitched on compartment of her skirt. Emile picked himself up and started looking for his prey almost fanatically.

"Where are you?! Come out you little pipsqueak and fight like a man!"

"Emile!" Rosie screamed furiously, which finally captured the man's attention. "Just what in God's name do you think you're doing?! Charging in here with knives and cleavers like a lunatic! Making this huge mess! Scaring everyone half to death! Have you lost your damn mind?!"

Emile's anger was replaced by embarrassment.

"Well you see I...I...I was just...Uh...I'm sorry Madame." He grinned nervously.

She scoffed at him and proceeded to recompose herself before checking on the guests.

"Is everyone alright?" She asked. "Was anyone hurt?"

"I think we're all good." Charlie said.

"Yes but where's Niffty?" Beth asked.

"I'm under here." A meek voice called from beneath their table. Beth lifted up the white cloth, and there was Niffty. "Duck and cover is my usual type of defense."

"What the hell was that all about?" Husk asked. "Was Cooky drunk or something?"

"I don't know." She glared at Emile. "But I can assure everyone here that this employee of mine will be reprimanded severely. I apologize for the distress he has caused you all. I will see to it this occurrence and similar ones never happen again. I sincerely hope that this has not spoiled the festival for you all and that you'll stick around."

"Hey as anyone seen Angel?" Alastor asked as he Charlie down on her feet.

"I see his pig but not him." Beth said.

Alastor scanned the area for any trace of his friend but not one trace was to be seen.

"Now that's odd, he's not one to just up and disappear. At least not at a social gathering. He also wouldn't leave that pig of his unchaperoned."

"Maybe he just went to the restroom?" Charlie suggested. "After what we just saw, I wouldn't be surprised if he needed to take a moment to relieve himself."

"Good idea. I'm gonna go check. Stay here with Beth til I get back."

But as you already know, Angel was not in the restroom. He was in Vaggie's pocket, now in the palm of her hand. She was hiding behind the stage so no one would see her talking to a sea creature and presume that she was crazy.

"Okay Angel, is that you in there?" She whispered to the crawfish. "Blink three times for yes."

The crawfish blinked thrice.

"Oh shit!" She cursed. "This is so not good. Val is going to kill us....Alright Angel, you probably have a lot of questions about why you were turned into a crawfish and I promise I'll explain everything but first we need to change you back. Now you have to promise me then when you change back you won't scream or panic. Promise me that you'll remain perfectly calm and not do anything that will draw attention."

The crawfish blinked three times again.

"Okay I'll take that as a promise. Sit tight, I'm going to find Husk. He should know just what to do....I hope."

The crawfish in her hand let out a frantic squeak.

"Hey! Shh! No panicking! You promised!"

Then she immediately went off to find Husk.

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