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"Sorry" Jungwon mumbled

"Wtf? How dare you hide something so serious from us?? When did you know?! When did they tell you??!" Sunghoon yelled, nearly showing themselves to the villagers

"Ssh, listen I'm sorry, the reason I wanted to leave so early is because of this, because I didn't want to marry anyone even if they are rich, I'm sorry guys but can we please leave and faster?"

"You little b" nearly punching the teeth out of Jay's mouth

"Let's not start a fight, Sunghoon calm yourself down and don't swear in front of the royals" Jake said, calming the whole situation

"I wasn't about to anyway, I was about to say brat, anyways, sorry Prince Jungwon (ig)"

Even if Sunghoon didn't show himself to the villagers he sure did to the other two royals, Heeseung and Sunoo.

"Hello, we heard a noise from here is everything okay?" Heeseung said politely.

Heeseung is the mother of the group but on the royal side, he was always calm and could make the right decision instantly.

"More royals, seriously?"

"Sunghoon, can you not?" Jake replied "Nice to meet you Heeseung Hyung"

"These are my friends, Heeseung and Sunoo" Jungwon said.

Sunoo was the energetic one of the group he agreed to everything and always looked at the positive side of life, even if he was about to die.

"Sorry to interrupt but we heard some of the words you guys were saying, are you leaving? Ooh take me too! I want to leave as well! Life would be so easy if not being a royal! Please take me as well!!" Sunoo beamed

"Out of respect, please shut up you'll attract a crowd and also we only have four horses to ride on." Sunghoon replied

"I can go behind you! I am not afraid, and I don't care what my father says!" Sunoo answered automatically

"But don't you have to greet the villagers?" Jake asked

"They can greet without us, I mean we are still kids!" Heeseung responded

And then, out of nowhere they heard four horses slowly creeping up to them..

"Boo!" Riki boomed "oh, who are they?"
"The royals, they want to go with us" Sunghoon explained

"What?!? I mean, hello."

"They can go with us" he whispered

"No way you're with them too, how? The back seat? No way someone is
sitting behind me" Sunghoon said

"Well since Jay and Jake agree with it, someone can sit behind me!" He replied

"Ooh, I can! I can! Me please!" Sunoo responded enthusiastically

"Sure! Idm" riki stated

"Then Jungwon goes behind Jay, Sunoo goes behind Riki and I go behind Jake?" Hee said
"Yep" Jake said shyly

"Then that's great! We can head off now!"

"Wait, Heeseung hyung, what if we get caught?"

"Don't think about stuff like that Jungwon, it would be fun, believe me!"

After, They slowly and quietly sat on he horses and led their way to the forest.. But suddenly, Sunoo started to feel sick, so they stopped somewhere in the woods and made a small campfire.

"Hey, are you alright? Why do you feel sick? Is it because of the horse? I got that at first
as well don't worry it will be gone soon,
you'll be alright" riki said

"Thank you, your words help me
a lot!" He replied with a beaming smile

"But really, Sunoo thank you for telling us! We can sleep here for the day! And continue our trip tomorrow!" Jake said

"He's right, we can rest and sleep for now!" Heeseung added "It's past your bedtime kids"
They all laughed and had fun (except of Sunghoon of course)

"Wait, we have two big tents and 5 long pillows with 4 big sleeping bags, how
are we going to fit?" Jay asked

"No worries we can do the same on the sleeping bags as we did on the horses! Stop being flustered! We are friends now!! Me, Jake, Jay and Jungwon are going to be in that tent and you three are going to go to the other one! Sounds like plan, right?" Heeseung said

"Definitely!!" Sunoo replied.

the royal family | sunsun, heejake and jaywon |Where stories live. Discover now