sunghoon asked, i turned around and he was looking at me. still having this expresionless face, but this time it his face looked a little curious.

"um, outside for fresh air.. and stuff?" I answered unsurely. he looks down, not saying anything.

"why? do you wanna come along?"

sunghoon's eyes lit up but he quickly avoided contact.

'he definitely wants come.' I said to myself, imean it was obvious.


well damn i didn't know he actually wanted to come.

me and sunghoon are in a cab right now, going to the mall that was like 20-25 minutes away from home.

the drive was silent. I kept looking around, I wanted to avoid looking at sunghoon since it was kinda awkward inside.

we finally reached our destination and i quickly paid.

"so? where do you wanna go first?" I turn to sunghoon who had his arms crossed, examining the area like its some crime scene.

"hello?" I waved my hand infront of his face, gladly that workd since he shook his head and turn to me.

"oh uhm, just go anywhere. i'll be behind." he said and went back to examining.

i rolled my eyes.

'what the heck, this is a small opportunity and why not make the best of it?'

i grabbed sunghoon's wrist, which made him look at me confused. "fine then, follow me." i smirked and rushed inside the mall, dragging along sunghoon with me.


"look, it's a big arcade and it's pretty popular around here, wanna go?" I suggested.

sunghoon scoffs, "those are for babies."

"you said that you'll be behind right? then BE behind me. let's go in!" I grabbed his arm this time amd dragged him, he hesitated but gave up.

"hey that looks fun." I pointed to a machine where many people are around. It was a dancing machine.

"yeah, i'd rather- whoa!" sunghoon was gonna deny again but i pushed him through the crowd and put him on one of the player thingy. (HWKSHEIS I'M SORRY💀)

sunghoon gave me a panicked look, I just gave him a thumbs up. "you can do it." I smiled and watch him panic around.

"is that a new challenger? now things gets a little more interesting!" the other player remarks. making the crowd cheer.

seeing sunghoon look nervous makes me laugh, he looks like he's gonna piss his pants.

"not so tough now, eh?" I snicker.

soon the instructions were told and it was about to start.

i can see sunghoon cursing under his breath countless times, it's hilarious.

"Ready...Get Set... GO!!"


"wow, you're something else back there." I laughed.

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