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Just like the other buildings in Magisandria, from the outside, the Magisandria School of Magic looked like a domed glasshouse in the middle of an oasis, however inside the dome was a whole new world.

There were many buildings about 3-storeys high, with the occasional towers sparsely located around the campus, surrounded by gardens and grass fields for student activities.

There were buildings for classes, hostels for accommodation, libraries, laboratories, and examination halls and it was easy to get lost here.

But the signs on the roads and paths were illuminated with magical maps which made the navigation easier.

"Orion, yes I have waited for you to arrive", the manager of admissions told me when he read my letter of admission.

"Ermm..thanks for waiting", I replied to the manager although I don't know why he would take personal interest in my case.

There were many students who waited to register their admission, but nobody so far had the attention of the manager. The manager even personally brought me to my hostel, and I was shocked.

"Are you sure this is my accommodation? It looks like a penthouse", I told the manager.

"We hope your stay here would be comfortable", the manager said to me.

"Should I give you a tip or something?" I asked the manager who just laughed at my suggestion and put down my luggage for me.

It was just a small bag, but he insisted on carrying it for me.

I was given a spacious apartment with a large balcony overlooking a large cotton field.

There was a study room, a guest room, a dining room, and many luxuriously decorated bathrooms inside my third-floor apartment. It won't be a mistake to call this a penthouse rather than a school dormitory.

The manager of the admission gave me a special badge card which was my student ID.

With the card, I could purchase food from the restaurants and goods from the groceries and supermarkets inside the school.

"What do you mean it's all free?", I asked the manager.

"Yes, with your card anything you buy from the school would be deducted from the card and would be borne by the school", the attendant explained to me.

"Everything?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, anything and everything", the manager answered me.


After the manager of the admission left and I settled my stuff in my penthouse I went around to explore the neighborhood.

Apparently, the treatment I received from the school wasn't equal to the other students.

Most students who enrolled in the school were assigned to small dormitories which were shared by two to four other students. What I got was usually reserved for visiting professors or royalties.

I was puzzled by my good luck to have such nice treatment from the school.

The reason probably wasn't because I was a great talent the school could nourish but most likely because I had a recommendation letter from the Tower of Babel.

It seemed my good luck was earned when I rescued the Dragon Prince Naran.

I went around my hostel and made some acquaintances and had some chit-chat about unimportant stuff.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now