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The prince gave me a necklace that belonged to the traitorous former Prince Narak as my reward. The necklace was a great treasure since it was the necklace that gave the assassin the magical force field ability.

"No, I can't have this. It's too precious", I replied to the prince.

I wanted to take the necklace, but I didn't know at what cost the gift might come with.

"Haha. Nothing is more precious to me than when you saved my life from the assassins", the prince replied to me.

Seeing my hesitation to receive the gift from him, the prince continued, "You are an honest man, consider it not as a reward but a gift from a friend with no strings attached".

My eyes opened wide as I took the necklace from the prince.

"Now I have a force field again", I told myself.


When I returned to my hotel, Sara immediately studied Narak's necklace and found similarities between the necklace and Cartelle's amulet, as they were both activated by unique magical circuitry, and powered by a power source within the gems inside.

So, I placed the necklace on my chest and allowed Sara to extract the magical components from the necklace and reconstruct it within me and linked the circuitry to my batteries.

But in the process, I wrecked Narak's necklace.

I wasn't sure if Sara succeeded since it would need to be proven in actual combat, although Sara was confident the assimilation was successful.

The next day Pittel came to show me the improvements he made on the Thunderbolt which solved some minor problems with the prototype and this version would be the complete version.

"This is the strongest weapon created by Engineering in all of Ouamua", Pittel proudly boasted to me about the rifle.

And the only thing left was to test the weapon. So, we went to the Hunter's Guild to look for a job.

There were many postings in the Hunter's Guild Ziane branch but most of the jobs required traveling to faraway places.

Since Zalickus would return soon to send us back to Kotonia there was no time for a lengthy excursion. As we browsed through the notice board there was a small notice at a corner that caught my attention.

"Hunting fast-growing Boars in the forest reserve"

Although the pay from the contract was meager it was a simple enough job, and it was more than adequate for us to test the improved Thunderbolt's features.

The best part was there was little traveling involved because the forest reserve was in Ziane city.

Besides it was legal in Ziane to take away road kills, so we could have a roasted boar Bar-be-que when we were done. So, we prepared some camping gear and seasoning, and we were on our way to the job.


I thought we had to travel far but the forest was just within one of the forestry department buildings in Ziane which was only a few blocks away from the Hunter's Guild.

"How can the Forest Reserve of Ziane be inside this small building?" Pittel asked me.

The building block wasn't small, but it definitely wasn't large enough to contain a forest reserve inside.

Once we entered the main Gate, we reached a large administrative building and after we registered our contract with the Department we were led to a large hall in the middle of the building.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt