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The creature looked very familiar, and I have killed one before in Kamini's village, it was a Zomok Dragon.

The Dragon noticed the armor on me made from the scales of its kind, which caused hatred in its eyes and brewed a desire for vengeance, so it came straight for me and opened its mouth to breathe fiery napalm.

However, the Dragon wasn't the only one here who seek vengeance for their race.


Before the flame in the Dragon's mouth was formed and projected out, loud thunder was heard, and the creature was suddenly thrown back 20-meters into the air, as Kay shot it with his Thunderbolt.

Kay had intense hatred toward Dragons, as he and his friends, families, and villagers suffered enormously from this race of creatures.

So, he fired at the beast the moment it closed on us without hesitancy or mercy.

"Great Shot", I complimented Kay who was a quick learner.

"Yes", Kay jumped up in joy with his first hit.

Kay didn't have the benefit of an AI controller, so his shot wasn't perfect, and he didn't train for too long.

The shot did not hit the Dragon in its vital organs, probably due to Kay's lack of training, or the barrel of my Thunderbolt was a smoothbore which reduced its accuracy.

However, the shot caused some injury to the Dragon and an immense amount of shock. The Dragon was surprised by our strange and powerful weapon, so it returned to the air.

"These pests are not so easy to eat", the Dragon thought to itself as it retreated to the cavern above to reassess the threat from us below.

Before it knew what to do next, Kay shot and wounded the Dragon again, which scared it away momentarily as it escaped and bothered us no more.

"Great Shot", I complimented the amateur shooter again.

"The Dragon was large so its easy to hit", Kay replied to me modestly.

While we dealt with the Dragon, Cartelle looked for an exit from the cavern and inspected the writings and inscriptions in the middle of the stone island.

He teleported out a bundle of documents and books and brought out a scroll.

He placed the scroll on the floor and put his hand on top of the scroll as he focused for about ten minutes before the stone on the Island began to shake and move, and the molten lava in the cavern was emptied away mysteriously or magically.

"What the hell, the magma is gone?" I asked out loud.

With the draining of the magma, a stone path revealed itself beneath the stone island.

"Huh, Luckily I have the entrance spell, now quickly let's go," Cartelle said to us proudly for doing something right this time.

We quickly followed him down the stone path, which reached an entrance hidden deep under the cavern, where the molten lava pond used to be.

"I hope the lava don't return to sink us", Kay told us about his worry.

After traveling for a short time, we reached what seemed like an energy portal of some kind.

Apparently, when Cartelle worked with the magic scroll on Stone Island, he cast a spell that opened an entrance to a portal in front of us.

"This is a magical portal which would bring us away from here", Cartelle said to us as he moved into the portal and disappeared inside.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt