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Although the shots failed to breach their force field yet again, Sara noticed the Neutronium concentration on their force field deteriorated after each of my attacks.

So, my shots weren't ineffective just not enough, so I continued to pump at the assassin until his force field broke. But I was dealing with several assassins which made the task a lot harder.

The assassins realized it was impossible to kill the man on the throne with me harassing him, so they decided to eliminate me first as they suddenly disappeared from my scans.

"How was it even possible they just vanished. Was there some malfunction in my sensors?" I asked Sara.

Sara did a diagnostic, but everything seemed to work fine.

While I pondered where the guys went, suddenly a sharp spear of energy was thrust into my back, as one of the assassins suddenly popped out behind me.

"Argghhhhh", I screamed in shock as I fell to the floor, stunned.

The spear that pierced through me was made of concentrated energy, which was as intense as my laser except my laser had an advantage of a wider area of coverage.

Nevertheless, the energy disintegrated where it pierced me and some of my bodily components were damaged, but the injury wasn't as bad as when I was struck by lightning magic in Kotonia.

So, Sara didn't put me to sleep this time. After a momentary stun, I quickly recovered my senses to assess the situation.

I was surprised by the sudden attack against me, but more shockingly was how did the assassin materialize right behind me before his attack.

It seemed the magic here allowed someone to teleport not only into a magical space but from place to place. With proper training, the magic of phasing through battle would be invincible and there was no way I could fight against such an opponent.


Suddenly another assassin appeared in front of me again as he fired a concentrated energy beam that was formed like a spear at me.

I was quite injured from the first attack, so my evasiveness decreased almost eighty percent effectiveness.

There was no way for me to avoid the energy spear. Perhaps this would be the last of me since my body could not take another energy blow from the assassin.

At the precise moment before the magical spear from the assassin touched my skin, suddenly a magical chain locked onto me and pulled me away at the last minute, so the assassin's magic hit the wall instead.

"Are you alright?" Arei asked me.

The magical chain was cast not to capture me but to prevent me from being killed as the chain pulled me toward the girl that I came here with.

Before the assassins could make another move against me soldiers rushed into the room.

The assassins tried to teleport away, but they were suddenly clamped by magical chains too which locked onto their necks, wrists, and ankles.

The battle was over with the assassins captured and the murdering mission of the golden masked Queen was foiled.


Physicians immediately came into the throne room to attend to my wounds, but my injury was beyond their understanding. All they could see was my flesh and skin that were patched up by nano-bots so there was nothing wrong with me.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now