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"Damnit, to hell with all this", I told myself mirroring Kay's famous curses.


As the Moto henchman was about to kill Erin, I threw several smoke bombs into the area, which covered the warehouse in a cloud of smoky haze.

With the smoke as cover, I shot the henchman who was about to kill Erin with my Thunderbolt, and he was thrown more than 10-meters away which killed him on the spot.

My Thunderbolt was designed to kill Dragons, so using it against humans was an overkill.

While the situation around the warehouse was chaotic, I quickly went to Erin and untied her.

"Will you marry me now that I saved your life", I asked Erin in my mind, but she didn't even look at me, so I didn't get her reply.

But she followed behind me closely as I used my launcher attachment to shoot an explosive at the group of gangsters who surrounded the Samurai Boss Imagawa.


The explosive cartridge exploded and engulfed the area in flames which killed all the henchmen there except the Boss who had some special force field magic that protected him.

The Samurai Boss quickly tried to leave but before he left, I took a shot at him. However, the bullet was also repelled by the magical force field on him.

"Damnit, what's with that damn force field", I cursed out loud.

Perhaps it was the loud bang from my Thunderbolt which could be heard from many blocks away which drew the attention of the authorities. Soon many police barged into the warehouse to rescue the hostages and arrest the perpetrators.

The ninjas didn't forget to call backup.

They just failed to receive the signal from the spies and ninjas to move in because they were all taken by the enemy.


Suddenly a magical web was cast by a Magus police which landed on the Samurai Boss and entangled him in the web.

But as the police came to arrest the samurai, suddenly one of them stabbed the Magus who cast the entanglement spell which released the samurai from the web.


Out of a sudden, the police went berserk and attacked each other for no apparent reason and allowed the samurai to leave the warehouse through the magical portal unhindered.

The police's behaviors were incomprehensible because they were supposed to be well-disciplined and trained personnel who shouldn't suddenly go group crazy during an operation.

The only logical explanation was they were somehow mind-controlled by magic or some psychic power which most likely originated from the Samurai Boss Imagawa because he was the main beneficiary of the suddenly created chaos.

As the Samurai Boss left the warehouse through the magical portal, Erin took my hand and followed him into the portal before he closed the portal from the other side.

We walked into a large temple-like building with a gathering of the Samurai Boss' followers who numbered in the hundreds, uniformly dressed in red robes, and knelt before their master as he walked past them.

"Lord Imagawa", they all greeted the Samurai as he walked past them.

I thought we walked into a cult meeting and was surprised nobody there noticed us.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora