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they all walked out of Eddie's trailer, as Nancy led the way to Victor creels house, Eddie and steve were behind everybody while everyone else was chatting with each other and laughing.

"hey harrington, I'm sorry for what I did back there- Nancy looked really jealous and I really didn't mean for that to happ-"

steve cut Eddie off putting his finger on Eddie's lips "eddie you really need to stop worrying, it's fine babe" he smiled and took his finger down from his lips

Eddie's felt his cheeks heat up "oh, I'm sorry I just always overthink things"

steve wrapped his arm around eddie, pulling him closer to himself while they were still walking "Eddie, your fine! and stop saying sorry, there's no reason for it"

eddie looked at steve and smiled

"thank you, honestly, no one has ever done this for me" eddie leaned his head against steve arm

they continued to walk for a while as steve and Eddie were quietly giggling

they got lost, ending up at the wheelers house

"what- how did we end up at my house?" Nancy looked around and then back at her own house

"Nance are we lost-" robin looked at nancy and kinda giggled

Nancy looked behind her "well were at my house instead, does anybody know where the hell to go because I don't know where to go and this is hella irritating"

everybody paused and looked at nancy for a moment

"I've never been down here so I don't know anything about it" eddie shrugged and then looked at steve

Steve slightly smiled at him and looked at nancy "I don't remember where it is so- and I highly doubt the kids know where it is"

Nancy crossed her arms "well were not gonna get there if we can't find it!"

"why don't we just sit in your house and chill until we figure out where it is" Eddie looked at nancy

"areee we sure we're gonna be able to even find it?" Robin looked at nancy and eddie back and fourth

"that's the issue, but yeah let's just do that" nancy rolled her eyes, carefully stepping over the vines and going into her house

everybody did the same exact thing, making sure to not step on the vines

they all walk into the house and went to the living room area

"so we have are plan but we can't find vecnas layer?" Lucas looked at all of them, putting both of his hands on top of his head

"well no shit we said that" erica looked at her brother and rolled her eyes at him

while Lucas and erica were bickering about that, robin and Nancy talked about the most random shit they could think of

"I'm so tired- I feel like we walked for hours" eddie stretched, sitting on the couch that surprisingly had no vines on it

steve sat right next to him and put his arm around eddie "we'll be out of here in no time, we just kill vecna and save you" he kissed the top of Eddie's forehead and smiled at him

Eddie smiled at him and laid his head on steve shoulder "I'm glad you care about me"

"what? why wouldn't I care about you?" steve looked at eddie and gave him a confused look

"I honestly don't know, a lot of people don't care about me, that's why I'm saying that" Eddie lightly sighed

steve played with Eddie's hair with the arm that was wrapped around him "well? I care about you so I'm number 1 on here"

Eddie looked up at steve and smiled "thank you, king steve"

while Eddie and steve were doing that, Dustin pulled Lucas and erica a side, bringing them both upstairs, explaining what there gonna do

"remember, were just looking for stuff not anything else ok?" Dustin looked at both of them

"got it" the Sinclaires both said, looking for whatever they could find

"there's nothing, it's all useless" erica crossed her arms

"let's just go back down to the others, we have to remember this shit is all from the past anyways" Dustin rolled his eyes and walked downstairs, carefully stepping over the vines

erica and Lucas did the same thing, going down to the party.

they all talked for a good 20 minutes figuring out what to do

"I THINK I KNOW!!" Robin randomly yelled out

"know what?" steve looked at robin, giving her a weird look

"I think I know where victor creels house is!!" Robin looked at steve and slightly smiled

everyone got up "ok so we just follow robin?" Dustin looked at them"

"well no shit how else would we be able to get there?" Eddie chuckled

"ok stop bickering! the faster we do this the faster we can get out" Nancy spat out

they all nodded, walking to the creels house.


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