"vecna's curse"

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Dustin, Nancy, erica, Lucas, and robin were all there and steve explained everything and what is happening to eddie

"eddie are you doing alright? you still have a migraine" steve looked over, seeing Eddie not looking so good

eddie looked around and saw his father "d-dad?" he stood up and looked at him in panic

"edward.." his dad said walking closer and closer to him

"STEVE??? ROBIN??? HELLO!!" eddie shouted as he grabbed something sharp off of his desk "stay back you mother fucker!"

"they can't save you, edward" his dad stopped, staring at him

his dads face started turning into this weird figure "WHAT THE FUCK"

his dad had sharp pointy teeth, with black veins along his face "it's almost your time, edwards.."

eddie snapped back into reality, gasping for air "HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK"

"EDDIE!" steve was holding him from behind "im right here your ok, your ok.." steve sat him up, playing with his hair

"eddie.. what did you see?" max crossed her arms, looking at eddie

"i-it was my dad.. walking into my room.. he kept saying my actual name and towards the end, his face just turned all.. weird.. he had sharp pointy teeth with black veins all over his face, it was like.. i-i wasn't in reality at all.." eddie looked up at max with a panicked look

"it's him, we need to go into the upside down and kill this mother fucker for good" Nancy went out of Eddie's room, getting her backpack full with weapons

"nance are we seriously going back in there?" Robin stood up and looked at Nancy

"do we want eddie to die?" Nancy looked at robin and pulled out one of her guns

"no we don't.. wait eddie what's your favorite song?" robin turned over to Eddie

"i was made for lovin' you by kiss.." Eddie got off of steve, sitting on the bed

"I have that, my dad used to love that song" max pulled out a bunch of tapes to put in her walkman

"it's this one" Lucas picked up the song by kiss, putting it in max's walkman

"you know your album covers, sinclaire" Eddie smirked at him

"you talked about it all the time in hellfire of course I know what the album looked like" Lucas giggled a bit, sitting next to max

"yall better hurry your asses up or this curly haired freak is gonna be dead before we can even save him" erica crossed her arms, looking at eddie

"erica chill!" Lucas looked up at her

"just the facts!" erica looked down at Lucas, shrugging at him

"Erica's right, we need to get to the creels house before anything else happens. Eddie! do you have anymore weapons, I just brought guns for myself" Nancy tossed her bag on her back, looking at eddie

"I mean yeah? i have three knifes, spears, trash can tops that can be used as shields, gasoline and fire" eddie looked up at nancy

"that's perfect! do you have any little towels and glass beer bottles?" robin looked at Eddie, getting excited to do this again

"yeah I have a trash bag full of them, I don't waste them" eddie chuckled, pointing at the beer bottle bag in his room

steve looked around and saw Eddie's guitar "bring your guitar with you" he looked at Eddie

"Harrington if I bring her she's gonna get all dirty, we don't want that now do we?" Eddie stood up, putting his hands on his hips

"yeah yeah" steve chuckled at him

Eddie saw the world that was his reality, fade into this dark, gloomy, red looking place

"where the fuck am I?" Eddie's voice echoed as he looked around, seeing parts everywhere in the sky

"edward.." Eddie quickly turned, seeing a tall, red person standing right infront of him, his body was covered in thick, slimy vines

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Eddie backed up, as he backed up he saw Chrissy's dead body on display "c-chrissy?.."

"edward.. it's your time.." one of vecnas vines dragged Eddie by the feet, slamming him against a wall

"SH- SHIT!" eddie tossed his head over, feeling vines all over his body and now his neck.

"try staying still... it will only hurt a bit.."

Eddie closed his eyes, before hearing his favorite song echo in the place he was in. "k-kiss?" Eddie barely said as he saw vecnas clawed hand about to touch him.

Eddie remembered the first day that him and steve met, and soon enough, the vines came off and he punched vecna in the face

"sorry dude, this is my favorite song forever" he smiled at vecna, seeing the open circle with everybody around him, trying to wake him up

Eddie ran for his life as vecna threw pieces of wood at him "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT IM ALMOST THERE" eddie shouted as it echoed threw the place, he made a leap of faith and soon enough, he was back into his reality.

Eddie stopped floating, falling into steve's arms. "EDDIE HEY IM RIGHT HERE IM RIGHT HERE.." steve's face was flooded with tears, he hugged Eddie tightly

Eddie's hands were shaking and so as the rest of his body, he was gasping for air and hugging steve back "steve im so scared I don't wanna die.. I'm so scared IM FUCKING TERRIFIED.." Eddie hugged steve tighter, crying into his shoulder

everybody was relieved that Eddie was ok as they let steve and eddie have there moment

"ok this is a really cute moment but we need to kill vecna before he actually kills him" robin finished making the gasoline bottles

"agreed" everybody exclaimed except for steve and eddie

i cried while writing this just saying😭-

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