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after Eddie and steve had there little moment, everybody started making weapons with random objects that Eddie had in his trailer

"be careful! some of this shit was hella expensive" eddie exclaimed, making sure they don't touch some of the expensive stuff his uncle bought.

"shut your ass up, do you want your life saved or not?" erica stood up, looking at eddie and crossing her arms

"well some of this shit I didn't buy, I'm just making sure" Eddie crossed his arms back at her

Lucas pulled erica down "erica you need to chill out"

"not my fault he's only letting us use certain shit!" erica sat on her knees, crossing her arms at Lucas

while the sinclaires were making weapons, as well as robin, steve, and Nancy, Dustin and Eddie were making random shit that wasn't useful

"Dustin look" Eddie held up a little voodoo doll

"woah, do you think it would work" Dustin smiled and laughed

"probably not, I'm not one of those voodoo magician shit" Eddie laughed, setting it down

as Dustin and Eddie continue to make there stupid little shit, everybody else was talking to each other

"I'm so worried about if Eddie dies.." steve wrapped a knife on a stick, worrying about his boyfriend

"do you guys have something going on! your sooo worried about him" Nancy looked at him, being kinda jealous

"nance are you- are you jealous?" Robin set her weapon on the island

"no I'm not jealous! I'm just asking if they have something because it's fine if they do I'm just fucking curious!" Nancy slammed her weapon on the table, looking at robin and giving her a dirty look

"ok ok jesus nance!" Robin held her hands up, looking at her and giving Nancy her scared look

"yes, yes we do nancy. we're not trying to hide it either, and I thought you were still dating Jonathan, why are you getting all jealous?" steve set his weapon down after he was done with it, crossing his arm at nancy

"IM NOT FUCKING JEALOUS!" Nancy shouted and everybody turned to look at her

"damn wheeler are you ok?" Eddie nervously laughed

nancy paused "yeah- yeah I'm fine"

"Nancy you just screamed out im not fucking jealous?- are you sure?" Lucas gave his weapon to erica, as erica set the weapon down next to her

"just get back to what you guys were doing- I didn't mean to say that" Nancy paused before working back on the weapon

everybody kept working on the weapons

"Henderson, if I di-" Eddie said immediately getting cut off

"no, eddie don't even fucking say that, you will not die. we all will protect you.  especially steve." Dustin looked at Eddie, being deadass about everything he just said

"oh- oh ok then" Eddie laughed at him, continuing to make his fake little people

"nance why did you yell that ou-" robin got cut off by Nancy

"why don't you just stop talking?! it would be easier to finish this" Nancy was obviously annoyed

steve, Robin, and Nancy all just stopped talking and continued to make the weapons

"is everybody done?" Lucas stood up, setting the weapons on Eddie's counter

Dustin and Eddie looked at each other "wait what were me and Dustin supposed to make-"

"you guys were supposed to make shields? what have you guys been doing?" Robin looked down, seeing the little voodoo dolls

"uhm..." Dustin nervously laughed

"you guys sat there the whole time making voodoo dolls?!" steve looked down, giggling a little bit

"we forgot what we were supposed to make! sorry!-" Eddie held his hands up

steve threw a pack of nails and two trash can tops down "me, Nancy, and robin are still making are weapons so you guys better hurry up" steve looked at them and smiled

"yes, mom" Dustin looked at him and laughed

"oh my god henderson" he smiled and laughed

steve's face turned red at the sight of his cute smile, he immediately turned away in embarrassment

Dustin and Eddie talked about the most random shit while they were making there shields, while steve, Nancy, and robin kept quiet

"so.. are we just not gonna talk about it?" Robin broke the silence

"yeah- yeah let's just pretend that never happen and continue making are weapons" Nancy replied, pausing for a moment

"so, how are you and Jonathan Nancy?" steve set his elbows on the island

"are relationship is none of are business, steve" Nancy looked at him then looked back down at her weapon

yay I finally have energy to write

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