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I watch as jungkook moves around our room, shifting items here and there. I lay sitting back in the furs the thick pillows holding most of my weight. Jaehyun sits in the furs beside me and plays with Sera, the tiny Sphinx happily flaps his red-orange wings at jaehyun. My little son giggles sweetly and gently pets the Sphinx's back as I have shown him. He  playfully nips at jaehyunie's chubby hand and he lets out a great peal of laughter. I have been on bed rest ever since I woke up, Jungkook's orders. Truth be told I feel good, besides the faint lingering exhaustion that seems to have settled in my bones. But perhaps that has more to do with having two babes to look after now instead of just one. If I concentrate I can remember bits and pieces of my time spent in the shadowy plane but no matter what, I know that this sphinx is under my care now.

"You are making me tired just watching you my lord" I smile sweetly at jungkook and he grunts at my teasing tone.
In the end, he gives in and moves over to sit next to me in the furs. I move and position myself next to him. Jungkook encircles my waist with one arm and crouching down to bury his face in my hair. Sera seizes the opportunity to get upon his lap. Before finally settling down to slumber, we observe him spinning in a circle. Jungkook massages his face while he quietly moans.

"Sera has certainly taken a liking to you both." I feel a bond to sera but I wonder is perhaps when they are grown , will sera become Jaehyunie's loyal or my lord's. I have read the stories and how that children are bonded with the ancestral true servers shortly after their birth.

"I do not want a sphinx to have as my own. I am content with my horse." Sera yawns softly in his lap and he lets out a small squeak as he falls asleep. I watch as jungkook's face softens as he stares at the tiny creature. I smile and turn my attention to Jaehyun who giggled looking at the sleeping sera. Jaehyun moves and snuggled into jungkook while eyeing tiny sera and closed his eyes for a nap. Jungkook puts his arms around my neck and I lean back against him and close my eyes. A nap sounds wonderful now.

Just as I close my eyes, jimin's hurried call outside the room broke my sleep....Upon entering into the room with Yoongi close behind,

"My queen! A letter from Lord emo is here!" , he exclaimed.

Jungkook slides from the furs and he quickly hands him the letter. He scans it, his eyes flitting across the scroll. He crumples the letter in his hands and grunts.

"Lord emo will be here shortly. He wants to talk with you." Jungkook looks at me, confusion on his face. Sera woke up sensing the tension in the air and gathered in front of jaehyun to see any harm.

"What about?" Despite the curiosity about what Lord emo would want to talk to me about, I feel at ease. Surprisingly I trust the man. Jaehyun snores beside me, sera quiet down beside him.

"All he wrote was that it was important for him to talk to the great Queen. " Worry shines in jungkook's dark eyes as he gazes at me. His eyes turn to jaehyun before settling back on me. I smile reassuringly at him and stroke a hand over sera's head. He lets out a contended purr and climbs up my arm to settle in the crook of my elbow.

"All will be well my lord."

Jimin hovers anxiously next to yoongi and he gently runs his hand through his thick black hair. I smile softly at them and put sera down. He screeches softly in protest before settling beside jaehyun in the furs.

"It would be best not to let anyone see him now." I smile indicating at sera and jungkook helps me from the furs. I smile sweetly at him and press a kiss to his palm. I try not to let the exhaustion show on my face. My stomach churns and I have to clench my teeth as I wait for it to pass. The nausea is new. Jungkook watches me with a frown and I pat his chest as I move past him.

"Let me help with your hair, my queen." I sit on the stool and jimin begins to pull my hair into twisting strands. I watch as jungkook converses quietly with yoongi before they quickly leave. I watch jaehyun sleep soundly in the furs as jimin's nimble fingers fix my hair into some guise of order. I can feel his hands trembling and I turn slightly to still his movements. He looks at me, his eyes shinning with tears.

"What's wrong jimin?" He closes his eyes and bows his head. I grip his hands in mine and squeeze. He takes three deep breaths.

"I'm scared. I'm finally happy and I'm so afraid something will happen to take it all away." My heart aches for him and I grip his hands tightly.

"You are safe jimin. I will never let anything happen to you. Neither will yoongi." A faint blush spreads across his  face and I smile slightly. I may not have all the details yet but I can clearly see the affection yoongi holds for jimin. They have a age gap but what is age truly? As long as my friends are happy. He smiles slightly and I turn back around as he resumes braiding my hair.

Jimin was done with my hair..and a moment later jungkook pushes aside the curtains, followed by yoongi.

"Come. Lord emo has just arrived with his warriors." Jungkook holds out his hand and I eagerly grip it.

Jimin and yoongi stayed there to watch over Jaehyun and sera while we left for the Chancery where the meeting is to be held.

Lord emo sits while a servant pours water for him in the Chamber as two of his warriors stood by him. Sasha, the young child from earlier, is sitting at his feet when I turn to look at him from the side.

Her brown hair is pulled back into a single braid and tossed carelessly over her shoulder as she plays with a doll. She nods her head no as Lord emo speaks to her gently. She gives him a shy smile as he lightly pats her hair, which makes me feel good inside.

We walked further inside and she looked up at me and her face breaks into a breathtaking smile. She drops her doll to the ground and rushed towards me and burrows in my arms. Jungkook looks at me in amusement while the girl smiles shyly.

" I'm happy to see you're healthy, little one", I grab her little hand and give the palm of her hand a soft kiss. She gives me a beautiful smile and encircles my fingers with hers.

We sit in front of Lord emo as jungkook broke the silence. Sasha resumes her playing.

"I trust your journey here has been well?" Jungkook sits straight in his chair and places a strong-arm on the back of mine.

"Yes, is your handmaiden available to watch sasha while we are having this conversation? "

Jin hyung came by and took Sasha while talking about the tasty pies he made earlier.

Lord emo cleared his voice before starting, "I am here to discuss about Sasha. It took time but I found the truth about her mother".

"You said her mother died" I interrupted.

"That is partly true, I know the woman who bought her to me, according to her.. her cousin who was a midwife to a Lord and gave to sasha..died during labor . She pleaded me to take sasha with me otherwise she would be killed , and she wanted sasha to be safe. As a Lord, I couldn't deny my subject. " 

" I couldn't deny her, maybe because of one more reason.... I had recently lost my child and wife to fever and my heart break when this innocent child started crying and when I took one look at this baby, I felt that I had to take her"

Lord emo gulped down the water as his voice was filled with sorrow and eyes with threatening tears.. I felt bad for him.

Thinking about the loss of family I gripped jungkook's hands.. While he squeezed mine gently , reading my thoughts.

"That woman left my clan immediately after handing me the baby. And recently when I saw your new handmaiden, he looked quite familiar. It made me curious.. So I looked into sasha's past and when I finally questioned that woman again after finding her.. She told me the truth".

I eyed him as jungkook stiffens beside me..i looked at them confused"What did you learn? ".

"Sasha's mother is Jimin. " Jungkook answers for him , stunned.

Hie everyone. So.. If you have read the past chapters you know that jimin lost his child soon after birth... So..
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