Chapter 6.

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Lord Jungkook loops his hand around my neck and places his forehead to mine.

"There have been sightings of a rival Kingdom near the encampment. I have to face him." His black eyes shine with blood lust. I grip his forearm and lean up to kiss his full lips. He kisses me back hungrily before releasing me.

"Come back to me"..I whisper to him.

Jungkook grins and kisses me fiercely once more before walking out of the tent. I follow behind and watch as he mounts his black packhorse . He yells a battle cry and his soldiers answer, their weapons held high in the air. He glances at me one last time before spurring his horse to a run. His warriors follow.

I turn to my handmaid seokjin. I walk back into the palace and seokjin follows.

"I want you to teach me all about this kingdom , it's language before our Lord returns." Seokjin smiles and nods his head.

I look out from the balcony and watch as the dust begins to settle from the horse's hooves and pray for the safe return of my beloved.

Seokjin sits behind me as his children kept putting flowers in my hair .
Yeonjun and taehyun are two beautiful kids , and in no time they stole my heart. Seokjin kept telling me about Lord Jungkook's achievements as yeonjun pulls the comb free and smiles sheepishly at me. He reaches out and pats my hand.

I look out to the seemingly endless grass lands. It has been seven days since jungkook left with his warriors to face the rivals. I never would have thought I would miss someone like this. Especially someone I just met, but being with jungkook it feels like I have finally found my place. Seokjin must sense the mood change because he pats the top of my head.

"My Lord and Namjoon will be back soon. I feel it in here." he pats his breast and smiles once more.

"Namjoon is your husband? " seokjin's skin flushes and he gives me a shy smile.

"Yes my prince he is my beloved. " he looks out at the grass lands and his smile falters slightly. I squeeze his hand and he sighs. An idea pops up into my mind and I push back from the table.

"Let us pamper ourselves tonight. Just in case our dearest return." Seokjin looks confused. "We will make ourselves even more beautiful and fragrant to where our dearest will not be able to control themselves." His eyes light up and he giggles. I take his hand and we move to get ourselves ready.


I lay in the furs in a silk robe and look at the fireplace . I watch as the curtains flutter due to wind and stars visibly shining through out and think of jungkook.

I close my eyes and say a silent prayer to the gods to bring jungkook home safe to me.
I add in a prayer for Namjoon  and seokjin as well. He has proven to be a good friend to me in the short time.

I have been here and I pray for them.

I washed my hair with the scented creams .

I brought the oils with me, and jin assisted me in massaging them into my skin.He was so excited to be able to use my products and didn't stop smiling once. The sun set some time ago and the cool night air feels wonderful on my slick skin. I snuggle deeper into the furs and when I close my eyes I dream of my jungkook.


Something brushes against my shoulder and I struggle to open my eyes. I blink wearily and notice the room is dark. The candles blowed out. Ah. It is still nighttime. I close my eyes to go back to sleep when something tickles my neck next.
I reach back to swat it thinking it is a fly but my hand connects with solid muscle. I gasp and thrash in the furs. I ball my hand into a fist and spin around. Jungkook lays behind me, a smirk on his face. The anger fades, replaced with happiness. I squeal and throw my arms around him.

"My Moon". Jungkook murmurs and brushes a kiss to my forehead.

" You are back.. " I snuggle into his embrace and breath in his scent.

He smells of mints, spring water and the slightest hint of horse. I suppose being on horses since the day you are born entitles you to smell a little horsey. Not that I mind.

I remembered my lessons with jin and choose my next words..

"Wie steht es mit Ihrem Kampf "
(How about your battle?)

Jungkook's eyes widen.

"You have been learning." Pleased with myself for being able to understand him more, I smile and nod.

Imperial language is tough but jin helped me a lot through it. Although Jungkook knows english but learning his language and understanding him more is what I wanted. And We have been practicing since the day our dearest went for the battle.

He rests his head in his hand and twirls a stand of my hair. He flashes me a grin.

"We destroyed them. I ripped taecyeon's throat out and watched as he bled onto the dry earth." His eyes shine. I run my hands over his shoulders and down his chest, checking for injuries.

"In Ordnung?Verletzungen? "
(Alright? Injuries? ) I inwardly cringed at my broken imperia but Lord jungkook paid no mind... He took my hand in his kissing it.

"Mir geht es vollkommen gut, meine Liebe"

(I am perfectly fine my love)

He kisses the top of my head and I snuggle closer to him.

"I worry for you."

Jungkook rubs my back.

"I will always return to you.
This I swear by the lights of our forefathers." 

He gestures to the heavens. 

It is imperial tradition to do important tasks under the stars in order to gain the blessing of the ancestors. 
becausethe ancestors look down on them and keep a close eye on them. 

I place a kiss to his chest and draw circles on his bare skin with my finger.
And the lights of our ancestors shine upon us.

Okay so, I choose German as the Imperial Language, and yeah by the way, I took google translators help so I don't know the pronounced are right or wrong.
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