Chapter 12

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Jin hyung and I finally stop near a stream. We rode for what seems like forever. He helps me down from Silver and guides me to a rock. I sit down and cradle my arm. Hyung pulls off his satchel. He digs through it and pulls out a paste. He rips a strip of leather off her vest and sits it aside. he pulls out a small knife and his flint and steel. She begins gathering plant debris and piles it together. Next he forms a circle around the plants.

"Normally I would sew the wound but I was not carrying my needle and thread in my satchel." Hyung strikes the flint and steel together. It takes a few tries but finally the plant debris catches fire. Jin hyung adds some birch wood to it and it begins to crackle, the flame a bright orange.

"I will have to clean the wound and then cauterize it." He wets the strip of leather and puts it aside. He moves to my side and picks up his knife.

"I'm going to cut the leather off taehyung" My head spins and my mouth is dry. I nod my consent and jin hyung slices his knife through the leather. It falls from my back and the cool air feels good against my burning flesh.

"I'm going to pull the arrow out tar. I'm sorry it will hurt." I reach out and squeeze his hand. He smiles sadly at me and moves behind me. He counts to three and then pulls. I scream as the arrow is pulled free from my back. It burns and the air wretches from my lungs. I begin to tremble and I hunch over to throw up. He applies pressure and grabs the wet leather. I wipe my mouth and look over my shoulder. The skin is bright red and ragged. Blood flows freely as hyung cleans the wound.

"Apply pressure here tae. Just a little more" I reach and press my hand against the strip of leather. My arm shakes and my body feels weak. I watch as hyung cleans his knife in the spring. Next he places it into the flame and heats it. I've never had a wound cauterized before but I know it will hurt. I have to be strong. If we don't close the wound I will die and so will my baby. Hyung moves back behind me. He hands me a bundle of cloth.

"Bite down on that baby,'s going to be fine" He takes over applying pressure and I take the bundle. I place it between my teeth and I take a deep breath.

"Do it."

Jin hyung nods tearing up and pulls the leather away. I can feel the blood trickle down my back again. He places the hot blade to my shoulder and I scream against the bundle in my mouth. The pain is excruciating and white-hot. He pulls it away before pressing it back down again. Hyung repeats this a few more times before finally sitting the blade down. Sweat pours down my face. Hyung fills up his water pouch and hands it to me. I drink it greedily and water trickles down my chin. Jin Hyung rubs a paste on the wound and I hiss out a pained breath.

"This is some numbing medicine . It should help take away some of the pain." He begins to clean the blood and grim from my back and my vest hangs from around my neck. I sip more water and rub my bump. I say a silent prayer to the horse gods for Jungkook and our baby.

"I'm sorry taehyung." Seokjin hyung pulls me from my thoughts. He finishes cleaning my back and moves to rinse his blade off in the water. I watch as the water runs red from the blood on the knife and his hands.

"Sorry for what? You just saved my life." Jin hyung frowns and moves to sit beside me. My body aches and I want nothing more than to pass out, but I try to focus on him.

"I should have been able to protect you. I'm not a fighter though. All I am good at is medicine." He looks down in shame and my heart wrenches. I take his hand in my good one and he looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"You did protect me hyung. In fact you just saved not only my life, but my baby's life as well." I smile at him.

"Do you think Namjoon and Lord Jungkook are alright?" Honestly I am not sure but he needs me to be strong. I smile at him and squeeze his hand.

"Of course they are." Jin rubs at his eyes and smiles shakily at me. He helps me stand and settles me against a tree. He places his bag behind me for cushioning. Hyung picks up his knife and settles beside me.

"Rest taehyung, I will keep watch." I want to argue that he should rest, but my words leave me. My mind is going blank and my body grows sluggish. Sleep claims me and I lean my head against hyung's shoulder. When I close my eyes I dream of my little fair skinned baby and his glorious father.


Sorry, I know this is just a filler . I will upload the next chapter properly. Please vote, share and comment.


Thanking you:


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