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This chapter will be in Jungkook's POV:

I sit with my face in my hands. I feel empty and destroyed. Taehyung and jaehyun are gone, swallowed by the fire that burned the tent where he birthed our son. Baekhyun, Namjoon, Hoseok rode with me in search of taehyung and when we arrived there were the rivals posted, keeping guard. We dispatched them but we still weren't quick enough. Bogum set the tent aflame with taehyung and my son inside.

I could hear his screams for help and I tried to rush in after him but Namjoon stopped me. He said that I would just kill myself along with them. He doesn't understand that with them gone I am nothing. I would rather join them in the nightlands then live one more day in this forsaken life. Grief like I have never felt before crushes my chest, making it almost impossible to breathe. I wanted to have forever with him and to have many more children. Little daughters with his smile and sons with his fiery spirit. Baekhyun and hoseok ride up on their horses.

They pull someone behind them. White hot rage surges through me and I jump to my feet. Bogum is tied and being dragged by hoseok's horse. They jump down and I stalk over to them. Hoseok lifts bogum off the ground and places a knife to his throat.

"We caught him trying to make a run for it. As if he could outrun our horses." Baekhyun snorts and kicks bogum legs out from under him. He falls to his knees before me in the dirt. I grab him by the collar of his ragged tunic and lift him up to my face.

"You take my family. I take your life."
Bogum sputters and begins to shake.

"Please no! It was an accident I swear!" This little worm dares to try to lie to me. I know of his torment to my sweet moon. How he would abuse him verbally and physically. How he even went as far as to try to rape him. I see red and before I realize what I'm doing I begin pounding his face. My fist strikes bone again and again. I distantly hear the cracking and snapping of the bones in his face but still I don't stop.

I want him to feel the fear and pain my sweet Tae felt. His blood splatters on my face and arms, my hands covered in his blood and spit. I slip my knife from my belt and I'm about to drive it deep when I hear it. The faint wailing of a baby. I drop bogum to the ground and he groans, rolling into a ball.

"Keep watch."

Baekhyun and hoseok nod and haul bogum to his feet. I stalk closer to the debris from the fire. Smoke still rises into the morning air and my heart constricts painfully in my chest.

Namjoon follows close behind me, his hand on the hilt of his sword. I cock my head and try to hear the sound again.

Very faintly I hear the cries of a baby. Heart racing I run toward the sound. It comes from beneath some burnt wood and debris. I signal for namjoon to grab one end and we haul the wood aside. All the air leaves my lungs and I fall to my knees. Laying on the ground surrounded by soot and ash is my tae and jaehyun.

Namjoon lets out a curse and he moves to touch them. I snarl and bat his hands away. I know Namjoon is blood of my blood and only wishes to help but I feel as if I have gone feral.

"Moon of my life. It is jungkook, yourlord, your sun." He lays motionless, his skin a deathly pale color. Jaehyun lays cushioned against his breast, his little face scrunched up in anger. He wails and thrashes his hand against his jaw. Still he doesn't move.

I look down and see dried blood beneath him and his legs are caked in dirt and blood. I reach out and lift my son into my arms. Despite being early he is a fat, plump babe.

He has a full head of black hair and from what I can tell under the soot, his skin is a fair color.

He opens his eyes and I gasp. They are the same shade of Taehyung. I hold him close and say a prayer to the gods for protecting my son. I kiss his little face and hand him over to Namjoon. I lay my head on taehyung's chest. Hope surges through me.

"He is still alive!" Heart pounding I gently life him in my arms and stand up.

"We must get him to a healer."

Namjoon nods and we hurry back to baekhyun and hoseok. Bogum is unconscious on the ground and they grin above him. I snap my fingers and they look at us.

"They are still alive. We must hurry to the healers." Despite their obvious shock they quickly grab bogum and mount their horses. I look at Namjoon.

"I can't carry them both. Can I count on you to protect my son hyung?" Namjoon wraps jaehyun in his vest and holds him tight. He clasps my arm and then climbs on his mount.

"I will protect him with my life my lord." I grin and leap onto thunders back. I hold taehyung close and brush a kiss to his dirty face. His pulse is weak but it is there. I just have to get him back to our palace.

A few hours ago I was ready to place my blade through my heart and join my moon and son in the nightlands.

Now I feel hope. I can't lose taehyung. I will do anything to save him. I push my mount faster. I cradle him closer and for the first time in my life, tears run down my face. The drops fall onto his face, smearing the soot covering him.

"I can't exist without you my moon. You are my everything. Please don't leave me." I cry silently and my heart aches in my chest.

Hello everyone! Thanku for waiting patiently for the new chapter. I am sorry for being late. How are y'all? Hope all are doing fine. Yeah?

Happy New year all of you.

Any thoughts?

Thanking you:

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