Chapter 7.

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In the spring, seokjin sits next to me and helps me pronounce some of the more difficult imperia words.

It's been months since I have had bath in the spring. It feels fresh. The birds chirping, flowing water.. Everything is so soothing.

Jungkook and I have been married for about two months, and my imperial language is becoming better every day. I can now nearly entirely communicate in imperia. Seokjin rises from the water to reach out and grab my soap bottles and shrieks. I turn around to see, Bogum is standing at the edge of the spring, clutching a handful of seokjin's hair in his grip.

"I think it's time we had a chat little brother." Bogum sneers at me. I cover my breasts the best I can and stand up from the spring. I keep my eyes on bogum as I reach for my bathing shawl. I don't miss the way his eyes trail over my naked flesh and I have to resist the urge to gag. Once I am full sheathed I step from the water and grab seokjin's shawl next. I hold out my hand.

"We can talk bogum but please release my handmaid." He narrows his eyes at me, thinking over my request. Finally he relents and throws jin to the ground. He quickly scrambles to my side and I cover him. He clutches my hand, his eyes wide with fear.

"Have you been well fucked by your imperial lord, little brother?" I don't say anything and just keep an eye on bogum. Jin huddles next to me.

"Answer me!"

He yells and takes a handful of my hair with both hands.

He backhands seokjin across the face as he reaches out to push bogum away. 

Jin groans as he collapses to the ground. 
My hands clench as rage rises in my chest.

"Do not lay your hands on him!" I rear back my first and hit bogum squarely in the face. He steps back and releases his grip on my hair. I go to move to jin's side to help him when a fist smashes into the side of my temple. I fall to my side and my vision swims. Bogum grabs me by the front of my shawl and pushes his face to mine.

"You little whore. You think to hit your king!" Bogum backhands me and my head snaps to the side with the force of his blow. I feel my lip split and blood drip from my nose. My face and head ache and I grasp weakly at his arms.

"Prince!! "

Seokjin screams in horror .

I'm too feeble to accomplish much, but if this is how I die,I intend to fight till the end.

I moisten my lips and give a small smile. 

I spit in bogum' eye as he leans in closer. 

Bogum snarls and rubs his eye. 

He takes a step back and punches me hard in the jaw.

To keep from crying out in pain, I clench my teeth. 

I'm lying on my side in the ground when jin comes up behind me. 

His fingers tremble as he grasps my hand.

"Finden Sie den Herrn. Bringt Hilfe."

As bogum continues to wipe his eyes, i murmer in imperia so that he couldn't understand.
(Find Lord, bring help)

Jin sobs and shakes his head. 

My face throbs, and I get a whiff of blood. I pull him away from me with a shaky grip.

'Go,' I yell at him, and he bolts away. 

Bogum raises his eyes to see jin fleeing. 

He tries to catch up to him, but I muster my courage and assault him. 

Bogum slams me against the wall and grabs my throat with both of this hands.

He looks down at me with crazed eyes. He begins to choke me and I claw at his face. I find purchase with my nails and feel satisfaction when blood wells up.

Bogum screams and releases me. I hike up my leg and knee him in the crotch. He falls to his knees with a cry of pain. I cough and try to gather air back into my lungs. Bogum reaches for his sword when the sounds fill the air. Bogum looks up in confusion. I lay on the ground and can feel the beating of the hooves.

Jungkook is coming for me.

"Fucking dogs." Bogum mutters and grabs my hair. He tries to drag me but realizes the only way to get away with his life is to flee alone. He leans down to hiss in my face, his breath most foul.

"You slut, this isn't over."

He pushes me aside and walks into the woods. I sigh as I curl up into a ball. Everything hurts, and the taste of blood in my mouth is coppery. I close my eyes. A few moments later I feel a hand brushing my hair from my swollen face. The hand is large and rough and smells of mint.

"My moon, my tae. Wake up love" I blink slowly to see Jungkook stood above me, jin on his side .

Seokjin sobs, his hands clutched to his chest. I make an attempt to smile, but then wince. This is a bad idea. Jungkook lifts me gently into his arms and my head rolls to the side. I hiss in pain and jungkook smashes his lips together.
Seokjin  trails beside us. I hear jungkook giving orders in imperia but I am to disoriented to understand the meaning.

" so müde " (so tired)

I murmured.

I hear seokjin muttering to jungkook. Jungkook tightens his grasp on me and accelerates his pace. I can feel his heart racing in his chest as he clutches me to his chest. I want to console him and assure him that I am fine, but I am at a loss for words.

"Stay wake beloved" My Lord murmurs brokenly. I want so badly to listen to him but I can't muster the strength to keep my eyes open for a moment longer. I realize I do not mind death as long as I get to go in jungkook's arms. The darkness takes me and I fall into oblivion.

Okay no , of course no. This book has just been started. Of course no one is not going to die RIGHT NOW.

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Borahae ily guys<3

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