Chapter -27

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I'm sitting by the fire a shawl wrapped around my shoulders. Jin hyung sits next to me, his eyes closed and hands clasped together in prayer to the great ancestors. Jimin sits to my other side, holding a cup of steaming tea. I can smell the leaves that he used but I make no move to take the cup. Namjoon hyung converses with jungkook and his warriors and Yoongi hovers near us, his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready for battle. Jungkook looks up and I catch his eyes. His face is tight and I feel fresh tears trickle down my face. His lips smash together and the next thing I know I'm in his strong arms.

"We will find him. I swear it." I snuggle in his embrace as the sobs wrack my body. My son is out there, alone, scared. I want to rip apart the ancestral tomb until I find out who is responsible but I know I must be patient as we wait for the scouts to return. Jungkook rubs my back and rocks me slowly. An imperial scout bursts into the tent, his chest heaving with exertion. More file in behind him, their faces sweaty and covered in grime.

"It was the West Lord. He and his wife mina left in the middle of the night." Anger rushes through me.

"How were they able to leave ancestral tomb without anyone noticing?! They have a commoners of atleast 20,000!" I scream and instantly regret it. I place my hand on my forehead and take a deep breath. As wonderful as falling apart sounds right now I must stay strong. Jin hyung rubs a soothing hand on my arm and jimin hovers close to my side, his dark eyes shinning with concern.

"It would seem they have been slowly trickling out their Imperial ever since we arrived in Ancestral tomb." Jungkook's eye grow dark and fury rolls across my face, like a storm thundering in the night sky. I feel faint and jin hyung steadies me.

"They planned this. I knew something was off about them. Why didn't I see this sooner." Jungkook grips my shoulders and crushes me to his chest. He holds me tight and I take a deep breath. His scent is a balm to my ravaged heart.

"Pack only what we need. We leave tonight to pick up their trail." He commands his warriors and they storm out of the tent.

"I'll get packing." Jungkook holds up his hand and I stop.

"Only I and my warriors leave this night. It will be quicker to pick up their trail. You will make sure everything is packed for our imperials and follow when you are ready." I stand there in disbelief. He expects me to stay behind while he finds our son? Is he crazy?

"You expect me stay behind while you track our son on your own?" Jungkook can see I'm getting fired up and he holds up his hand, cutting off my tirade.

"You will bring the rest of the imperials and your warriors. I need you to look after our imperial people my moon. You are their Queen. They need you." I know what he says is right but my heart still breaks that I can't go with him.

"Bring our son back. Stay safe my lord" I fling myself at Jungkook and he crushes me to his chest. I grip his hair in my hands and smash my lips to his. Our tongues dance together in an aggressive duel and I cling to him with all of my strength. Jungkook grips me so tight I can barely breathe but I welcome it. I nip his lip with my teeth and he pulls away to sink his teeth in my neck, marking me. Finally, he releases me and I place one last kiss to his lips. Jin hyung hands him the bag she packed with his essentials and he brushes his fingers down my cheek.

"Namjoon you will stay here. Protect your Queen and lead our warriors." Namjoon looks disappointed to be left but he nods his head, fire burning in his dark eyes. I wipe at the tears streaking my face. I hold my head high and take a deep breath.

"Ride strong and fast my Lord." Jungkook nods, his eyes curiously wet looking. Despite trying to appear strong I can't help but run into his arms one last time. I grip his face in my hands and kiss him fiercely. I pull away and he sighs.

"Kill them all." Jungkook bares his teeth at me in a savage grin and stalks out of the tent. Jin hyung and jimin wrap their arms around me and I close my eyes, to keep the tears at bay. I turn around and take a deep breath.

"Give the orders to pack everything and be ready to leave at first light." Namjoon hyung nods and he and jin hyung hurry from the tent. I look at yoongi .

"Yoongi I want you to look out for jimin and help him adjust to the imperia. He is our newest member." Yoongi nods and offers his arm to jimin. I catch a slight blush to his cheeks and he quickly takes his arm.

"And you my Queen?" I look around my tent and clench my hands in my skirt.

"I will begin packing. I want to be alone for now." Yoongi nods and he and Alva leave to help with the packing. I move to jaehyun's furs and I lift one up. I hold it to my face and cry quietly. They still hold his smell and I long for my babe. I close my eyes and pray to the great ancestors to bring my baby and Lord back safely.

Hey.. So, I am sorry I couldn't update. I had exams going on.. And then my health deteriorated.. I am doing fine now.. But weakness is still there.. I couldn't even hold my phone completely.

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