Chapter -18

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I drop another jewel on the ground as we continue our trek. I've pulled the small jewels from my belt to leave a trail. We have been on the move for a few weeks and my soul withers the further I get from Jungkook. I cry myself to sleep and when I dream it is of Jungkook and our son. I reach up to wipe the sweat off my brow and my skin itches. I yearn for a cool bath to wash the grime and sweat from my body but I refuse to take off my clothes for fear of what will happen.

Bogum rides ahead of me, his small party of warriors bringing up the rear. My body aches from the uncomfortable position I'm in and my stomach has ballooned in the past week. I now can't see my feet when I walk and I am ungainly. Bogum stops ahead of us and my horse trots to a stop.

"We will rest here for the night. Hwan get my dear brother down and find him somewhere comfortable to sit." One of the warriors reaches up and sits me on the ground. I try to stretch and my back screams in protest. My stomach feels extra heavy today and I feel like it's dropped. I pray it isn't what I think it is.

I've heard enough about child-birth from Jin hyung to recognize the signs. I'm barely in the middle of my seventh month. It's still to early. I rub a soothing circle on my stomach and say a silent prayer to the ancestral gods to keep my son safe. I grab a roll of fur and try my best to make a makeshift bed. The sun is finally starting to set over the horizon and I sigh in relief. My skin is brown from the continued exposure to the suns rays. I finally manage to lay down in the furs.
My stomach and tied hands make it a difficult task but finally getting to rest my aching back is worth the effort. Bogum goes into his tent and I glare at him. I lay on my side and trace little circles in the dirt until the stars are high in the sky. I say a prayer to the ancient ancestors for jungkook to rescue us.


I wake to a sharp pain in my side. It moves to the front of my stomach, rippling across my skin. I gasp and sit up. My leggings are soaked and my skin is sticky with sweat. I brush my hair back from my face and groan.

"Ahhhhh someone help." My hands are still tied and my leggings are constricting my legs. I need to open my legs and relieve some of the pressure. The warriors hear my pained plea for help and they call for bogum . He stalks out of his tent and glares down at me.

"What is the meaning of this Tae?" I pant and hold up my hands.

"Please release me. My water broke." A contraction twists in my stomach and I hiss in pain. Bogum grins and laces his fingers happily. The slimy little bastard looks like he was just handed the crown to the seven kingdoms.

"This is perfect. Just imagine what Lord Jungkook will pay to get back his bastard." I don't miss that jungkook leaves out me when he mentions jungkook. It doesn't surprise me though. Never did I think that he would give me back to jungkook no matter how much he paid him. I scream and clench my hands. Bogum snaps his fingers and a warrior lifts me roughly in his arms. I yelp and sag against his shoulder. He carries me into bogum's tent and sits me in the bundle of furs. I lift up my hands once more.

"Cut my ties." The warrior slices through the ropes and I quickly tear at my leggings. I rip the cords apart and yank them down my legs. I spread my legs and fall back into the furs. I catch the men looking at me and sneer at them.

"Leave me." I struggle to form the words and they look to bogum. He nods and they leave us.

"Now dear brother it looks like it is time to push." Bogum stands between my spread legs and places his hands on my knees. My stomach feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and my back screams in agony. Every part of my body begs for me to push and rid myself of the pain but I can't. I won't let my son be born here with these monsters to be used as a bargaining chip.

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