6.1 - A Hundred Days Ago

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Falling asleep with Ava in my arms was easily one of my favorite experiences so far.

Waking up with her still in my arms was even better.

I had forgotten to turn off my alarm, which ended up ringing at 5 am on the dot. Luckily, she didn't wake.

I reached for my alarm clock and turned it off before putting my hand on top of her head, slowly running my fingers through her hair.

I was charting unknown territory, venturing to places I had never been before.

I had never let a woman I was seeing in my own house outside of social gatherings. I had never just slept with a woman, and when we did end up actually sleeping together in the same bed, I kept a safe distance.

It's not like I had commitment issues. There has just never been anyone I wanted to do all these things with.

Someone did come close, once. But luckily, I had managed to see past the act she had put together to lure me in.

Having Ava in my clothes, sleeping comfortably in my bed with one of her arms around me, hearing her breathing in contrast to the heavy rain that was pouring outside made me feel grateful that I hadn't done any of these things with anyone else.

There was no better feeling; had I done it before, maybe I wouldn't have known what this was like, what she felt like, and how effortlessly we fit together.

There was no doubt in my mind that fate had led me to her.

Had I not gone to that coffee shop, I would have spent life eternally searching for her.

Would she be in the arms of someone else right now? Would I have felt as miserable as I was before I saw her that day?

I shook my head aggressively, trying to repress those thoughts.

Thinking of her with someone else was like walking on gravel barefoot; unnecessary. I would never know what that is like, because I would never let her go.

I was hers the first time I saw her. I would have done anything to have her and would do anything to keep her.

Hell, I would have dropped to my knees and begged for mercy if she didn't feel the same.

I felt her breathing quicker and her head slowly move. She was waking up.

"Easton?" She yawned. "What time is it?"

"It's early angel, go back to sleep." I said, patting her arm.

She looked up at me. I looked down to face her. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes, I just can't sleep. Usually at this hour I'd be getting ready to leave."

"You're not?"

"Get some rest. We'll talk about it over breakfast." I shot her a half smile and she nodded, laying her head down and breathing out slowly.

I decided to stare at the wall in front of my bed, which was all made of glass, watching the rain fall, hoping that would help me fall back asleep, and counted numbers in my head, forcing my mind to empty itself of all the unwanted thoughts.

I was just starting to feel tired when I felt her move again.

"You never did tell me the meaning of the roses."

I chuckled. This girl really was something else.

"For starters, the roses remind me of you. They're vibrant, beautiful and give life to any room they're in. And red is definitely your color." I rubbed her cheek, that turned warm to the touch. "Ninety-nine roses for every day that had been since I saw you for the first time."

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