Chapter fourteen: How many resets? and why is Lira so dense?

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"Flowey! Here, I know it's a bit silly but here's a flower."

"Flowey? What are resets?"

"Flowey... You're scaring me!"

"Flowey? What's wrong?"

Only if she could remember....

"Flowey... I'm glad I have you by my side."

"Thank you for being my friend."

"Okay.. I trust you."

God, he wishes she could remember...


"Hey Flowey? Want to come with me and Frisk? We're going to see Sans and Papyrus." Lira told him. "No." Flowey answered, Lira frowned.

"Alright... See you later, Flowey." Lira said, leaving the room.

Flowey sighed. Only if she could remember. Why is he only thinking about this now? Because he's bored.

(Why is it that you think about the bad things when you're bored? - Author)

How many times has he gone through this? He can't remember, but he can't help but hope this time will be different... If he just keeps ACTing... maybe it won't reset.

I mean this time was different.. Perhaps it'll stop frisk from resetting up for awhile.

He hopes.




It's never going to happen.

He's such a fucking idiot.

He laughs, at nothing in particular. At first glance, you'd probably think he's crazy.

He doesn't understand these emotions he feels when he's around Lira... It's starting to overwhelm him.

But, oh well.




Its weird.

Feeling things after who knows how long of being incapable of feeling... It just fucking weird.

And when he started feeling this... He wanted to kill her... But he couldn't bring himself to.

"Frisk... Do you think Flowey's okay? He's been quiet lately..." Lira asked, Frisk smiled, signing something.

'Yeah. He's probably mad I teased him about his little crush earlier'.

Lira's been learning sign language ever since she made it to New Home, she wanted to understand frisk without her having to write.

"What crush?" Lira asked. 'You're so dense.' Frisk signed. "What do you mean?"

'All I can tell you is that Flowey really likes someone close to him, perhaps a dark brown haired girl that spends every day talking to him, or at least a little bit if the day?'

"What?" Lira asked, Frisks shoulders bounced up and down, telling Lira she was laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

'You're to dense.. I think if I straight up told you who it was, you'd still won't know.' Frisk signed, Lira just tilted her head in response.


26 views? I wasn't even expecting one. Thank you my 26 viewers, and sorry about not posting for a few days, school has been an ass.

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day or night!

SAVE - Asriel/Flowey X OC (Lira) - BOOK ONE.Where stories live. Discover now