Chapter nine: Learning new things, arguments and unanswered questions.

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"Would you like any pie, Flowey?" Toriel asked. "Yes," He muttered.

Toriel gave him a small plate with a fork. It had a slice of Butterscotch-Cinnamon pie.

Toriel told Lira that she decided to make pie as to celebrate her arrival, Lira thought it was sweet. And she got the best pie (And first pie) she's ever had.

Flowey hesitantly took a bite out of the pie, having to bend down a bit to do so.

Frisk was the first to finished eating, they wrote something on a piece of paper, giving it to Toriel.

"Can you go visit Sans and Papyrus? Of course my child," Toriel said, Frisk then looked at Lira as if asking if she wanted to come.

"No thanks. I'm going to take a small break from traveling through the Underground." Lira told her. "Have fun."

Frisk nodded leaving.

"My child, you are half monster, correct?" Toriel asked, Lira nodded, taking another bite out of her slice of pie. "Do you know what your Soul is?"

"Well, mine is a light green upside down soul." Lira answers. "Actually, I've been wanting to learn more about them,"

"I can tell you all you want to know, my child." Toriel told her.

"Why is mine upside down?" Lira asked, she had a feeling why, but wanted to ask anyway.

"Well, Monster souls are white and upside down, like mine." She said, A glowing white upside down soul flew out of her chest, stopping in front of her.

"Are all human souls upright?" Lira asked, Toriel nodded. "Are all human souls supposed to be green?"

"No, there are seven main different colors that a soul can be, the color represents a trait, Green represents Kindness."

"What about the other colors?" She asked.

"There's also Red, Frisks soul, which is Determination. Yellow is Justice, Orange is Bravery, light blue is patience, Dark Blue is Integrity and Purple is Perseverance."

Lira hummed. "...The war was long before I was born, right?" She asked, Toriel nodded, her expression changed into regret and sadness.

"All the monsters were banished Underground?" She asked. "Yes most of them, but some managed to escape this fate."

"Then... Do you know who my father or mother was? By any chance?" Lira asked. "I do not."

Lira sighed. "Thought so." She muttered. "Also... Do you... Do you have any books about the war?"

"Yes, just on the bookshelf. There is also books about snails, if you are interested." Toriel said. "Okay. Thanks."

Lira smiled before looking at Flowey who had been to busy eating pie to listen to their conversation, she got up, going to the bookshelf. She soon found both of the books.

Flowey looked at Lira, as if begging her to take him with her. Lira held a finger up before leaving the room.

A few seconds of silence, Toriel spoke.

"Flowey, may I ask... Why did you come with Lira?"

Flowey stayed silent, before saying.

"Why do you care? She isn't even your child, Asriel was." Flowey hissed, before realizing what he said.


When Lira went into the Living/dining room, Toriel was gone and Flowey was looking down.

"Flowey, where's miss Toriel?" Lira asked. "I don't know." Flowey replied as Lira picked him up.

Lira decided not to push for an answer, instead she went back to her room carrying him without another word.

Once they were in the room she set Flowey down on the nightstand with his paper and crayons and sat down on her bed, picking up the book about the royal family.

She might as well learn about who she's living with.

She also wants to know about the king.. I mean every queen needs a king, right?


This is what Lira's learned from that book within an hour (It was a very detailed book):

Queen Toriel, A caring monster who was married into the royal family.

King Asgore, the son of the late King (Give me a name that goes well with Dreemurr) Dreemurr.

The two have known each other since they were children, before Asgore's parents passed they got married.

Soon after the war, they had a child named Asriel Dreamurr.

Asriel was a kind child, much like his mother he was very caring of the other monsters.

When Asriel was twelve, he ventured out into the Ruins, finding a child around his age had fallen.

He helped the child, bringing be them back home to his parents.

They healed them, learning their name was Chara.

Chara and Asriel instantly became best friends, but when Chara mysteriously got sick, the royal scientist, ... ...... tried to cure the child... But didn't succeed.

One day both of them disappeared...

Undyne found Asriel in the throne room, injured and holding Chara's dead body. Asriel turned to dust as Undyne alerted everyone.

His dust was all over the golden flowers that Asgore taked such good care of.

The prince of the Underground and the Underground's only hope, died on the same day.

The King and Queen were devastated.

Soon, the King created a new policy: All humans that fall must be killed.

Toriel tried to convince him not to, but she failed. Toriel ran away.

Some monsters said she died, some say she's in the Ruins, either way, the Underground gained a bit of hope.

There was also a little thing about one of the many golden flowers in the throne room disappearing.


Lira sighed, closing the book. She couldn't help but feel sad how Asriel and Chara died...

It was wrong, she's also heard little things about after she fell, like how the monsters tried to kill Frisk.

She can't blame them.

One (Actually loads) of them died because humans were 'scared'.

It made her so angry... She feels disgusted that she's even part human.

But... She has a question.

"Hey Flowey? Just by any chance were you the golden flower that disappeared from the throne room?" Lira asked, Flowey tensed up.

"How do you even...?" Flowey trailed off as Lira showed him the book.

"Yes... I don't no how... Or how I was alive.. I woke up and didn't know where is was, and when I saw the King... I-I was scared, so I 'ran' away."

Lira frowned, but nodded. "Okay..." Lira muttered.

She felt happy... Flowey actually answered the question. She didn't ask anything else, not wanting to push her luck.


The rest of the day went smoothly, not many interesting things happened.

Before she went to bed, she asked Flowey something.

"Flowey... Why did you and miss Toriel fight?" Lira asked, Flowey tensed, staying silent. She sighed. The only reason she had known was because of how loud they were.

"...You don't have to answer... Goodnight Flowey." Lira said, closing her eyes. Flowey didn't respond.


The schedule I made in the first chapter can go fuck itself-

SAVE - Asriel/Flowey X OC (Lira) - BOOK ONE.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt