Izuku:you don't even know what he's done

Kirishima:that still doesn't give you the right to crush someone's dream like that! Look you made a difference at the Sports Festival and won but you lost the right to even come to Class 1A when you had the choice to accept but you declined

Izuku saw that only some of the class 1A students were there minus Iida and Todoroki along with Cuntsuki only 9 of the boys were there with some of them already leaving to find what there looking for along with 5 of the girls minus Emi and Kyoka

Izuku looked at Kirishima with no emotion on his face but Ochako decided to speak

Ochako:what the hell is wrong with you guys? It's not his fault that Bakugou got expelled its Bakugou's own fault for the things he's done and you can't even see it!

Kirishima:why would you even defend him! He's just some guy whose not going be useful on the field of heroes that's the reason why he's in the General Course! He's weak!

Izuku:are you done bitching?

This caused Kirishima to glare at him only to sweat when Izuku simply stared not only did it affect him but the others as well minus Ochako

Izuku:I don't care what you all say about me call me weak,pathetic, useless I don't care I've already given up on my dream so what I crushed someone's opportunity to make it big

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Izuku:I don't care what you all say about me call me weak,pathetic, useless I don't care I've already given up on my dream so what I crushed someone's opportunity to make it big....he deserved it...Ochako I'm sorry but...I have to go maybe the next time you text me make sure it's just us ok?

He said his piece while giving Ochako a kiss on the cheek and left with Ochako glaring at her classmates

Ochako:you're all idiots!

And then she ran after her friend leaving her classmates to feel bad about what happened except for a select few

Izuku's POV:

All I could do was sigh just thinking about their word giving me a headache

'Izuku:so much for me having a good time to just relax a bit'
'Venom:...their words hurt you didn't they?'
'Izuku:I mean can you blame them...I was the one who got their classmate expelled from the school even though he deserved it they might not see it...man how come being Spiderman feels easy...and yet...me being who I am....I guess I am...!!'

Alternative Spider Izuku VenomisedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant