• Chapter thirteen

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' Fukase scoffed at me and said in a annoyed tone "Oh, come on! It can't be that bad." I rolled my eyes at him and wiped the rest of the hand sanitizer off on my pants and went on onto our mall trip to kill time that's obviously not working. '

We all went back to walking with each other and being silent but Miku broke the silence. "Hey do you guys remember that one weirdo dude that's like always making stuff and he has a boyfriend that's not his boyfriend and he's like taller than Len by alot and I think we talked about him in the group chat?"

"Kamishiro? Rui?" Rin responded.

"Yeah, him. Did you know that he actually once tried to perform a show at this mall with his drones and got kicked out so much they almost banned him?" Everyone looked at Miku with our eyes widened. What. The. Fuck. "Ok so I don't really know the guy but I'm imagining some like really tall gay dude that's dressed weirdly that has like a bunch of robots and is just fuckin' weird as shit laughing like a maniac." I nodded my head and said, "Sounds pretty accurate to me." Rin then added loudly "THAT'S TRUE BUT YOU LITERALLY CANNOT FORGET THE PART WHERE HE TRIES TO CONVINCE THE SECURITY TO GIVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE!!" Fukase started chuckling alot while Miku was just giggling at Rin's sudden outburst of energy.

I don't know why but, I looked at Fukase laughing and I suddenly felt all warm and giddily. Time had felt it slowed down as I looked at him. I could feel my face heating up the more I stared in awe. after a few seconds I snapped myself out of it and luckily nobody noticed.. I think. But anyways, we went back to shopping again and unfortunately, the two girls were taking so much time trying everything on and getting even more stuff. We went from store to store in the mall because why not go on a shopping spree the day of a party? Girls are weird. Or atleast, my girlfriend and sister are weird... Eh who knows to be honest. But still, walking around the mall gives alot of exercise. We went to Bath n Bodyworks, Rainbow, H&M, Forever 21, Foot Locker, JCPenney's, Vans, Macy's, and then me and Fukase sat in the foot court, embarrassingly waiting for Miku and Rin to shop in Victoria's secret.

After they were done holding stuff up to their bodies for a majority of the trip, it was about 3 PM, the mall was starting to get less crowded too. Me and Fukase were relieved because we were almost at the exit but, Rin had spotted another place she wanted to go to. Who Let the Shoes Out..? Who the fuck names a place that. Whatever, we walked into the store and it was very decorated like a burst of color. There was many different shoes to choose from and I found these really good looking ones that are a majority yellow then have some white accents to it. I was gonna get it but I'd rather just get cheap shoes. Someone who looked about a year out two older than me walked up to us smiling and said "Hi, I'm Jaidyn! Let me know if you need help finding anything in your size or what-not." They were bpoc and had VERY lovely hair like wow.. Bro looked beautiful. But anyways, Rin and Miku picked out a few pairs of shoes and bought them at the register. I bought a small little rainbow keychain from there too because the store had some random accessories they were selling at the register so I just picked that out. Plus, it was only 50¢ too!

My sister and girlfriend FINALLY were done shopping and me and Fukase had to carry all their stuff plus our own. Once we got to the car, half of the stuff didn't even fit in the trunk. The whole back seat was filled and there were a few bags in the front too. I swore to myself, I was gonna kill Rin then myself after we get home. I'm kidding of course about killing myself but just you wait Rin... I pray to god you don't be sleeping with one eye open. While Miku was driving, Fukase fell asleep but, since we were forced to be close together because of all the bags, he fell asleep on my shoulder. At this point, I would've scooted as far away from him as I could but I was already leaning on the window so I had no option but to try and endure it.

I started feeling myself fall asleep which was absolutely horrible. I didn't wanna fall asleep next to Fukase. Not again. Every 5 minutes I would wake myself up again, praying that I didn't fall asleep. I suddenly felt Fukase's arms wrap around my waist and him gripping tightly too. He was probably doing some subconscious thing but it was still weird and.. I would say cute but that would be gay. The car finally stopped at our house and I tapped on Fukase's shoulder to wake him up and he didn't... "Why does this have to happen to me.." I mumbled. Rin heard me and quickly turned around to see Fukase laying half on top of me. She started giggling then poked Miku to look too, I was mentally crying at that point. The two girls were giggling at me and him so much while I just sat there embarrassed, looking down at the floor. Fukase had let go of me and finally woke up. He yawned loudly and stretched, hitting me in the face. "When's the party..?" He tiredly grumbled while looking shit-faced. "Did you get a drink while we weren't looking or something?" Miku asked. "No.. I'm just tired. But still, when's the party so I know how long I need to nap." He responded, still having a raspy voice.

"It's at uhm..." Rin was gonna respond until I saw her counting her fingers. I sighed and checked my phone. "6 PM." Fukase just nodded so I got out the car and started grabbing stuff. We had to sort who's stuff was who's when we all got out and by the time we were done, it was already inching to 4 PM. "Well now we have to take all this stuff inside.." Rin said, probably regretting how much she bought. Fukase offered help but both me and my sister declined it since he said he wanted to take a nap. He just shrugged his shoulders and got back into the car with Miku. I took the last bags inside and then after Rin closed the door she said "You know, Fukase is a really nice guy besides the fact that he's kind of annoying to you. Miku talked to me alot about him since you guys ran off to Spenser's and from her description, the reason why he's annoying is because he feels comfortable." She paused for a second, picking up some bags to bring up to the room. "And the fact that you got him to be comfortable around you in just a few days is really impressive, Len."

I stopped in my tracks. Did he actually feel comfortable around me? I smiled to myself then picked up some bags to help Rin. "I mean I guess he feels comfortable around me.. But isn't it weird though?" I asked. My sister perked her head up, obviously confused at my words. "I mean, him and Miku were obviously childhood best friends so the fact that he's so comfortable with me being her boyfriend without even knowing me for that long is weird. I'd imagine him being defensive or something." I was walking to the room with Rin as I finished my sentence and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know what to say dude, it's not like he's her gay best friend or something." She paused for a second. "Actually, I take that back. He's definitely gay." I rolled my eyes at her then threw all of her stuff on her bed. "If he was really gay he would've tried to pull a move on me by now." Rin just started cackling when I said that "YOU THINK HE— GIVE ME A SECOND I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS PLEASE." She took a few seconds to stop laughing and compose herself and I just sighed and pinched my nose bridge.

"That's not how being gay works, Len." My sister finally said. "It's just like being straight, right? But with a few extra steps." I stated, but little did I know that I would accidentally send my sister into a laughing fit again. I rolled my eyes and just laid on my bed, thinking about how did I have such a stupid sister.

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