• Chapter five

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' "Then how about we share a bed?"

"...What?" '


".. What's so bad about sharing a bed?"






We kept arguing until we finally decided to share the bed.

"I still don't know if this is right Fukase..." I said quietly while climbing under the blanket. "Just.. Shut up and go to sleep." He responded then got in the bed with me after taking his shoes off. He laid down and faced his back towards me so then I did the same.

I couldn't fall asleep at all. I didn't know what it was from. The fact that there's a boy sleeping right behind me, or that I'm in an abandoned mansion. I suddenly hear shuffling behind me and feel a warm hand touch my shoulder. "Can't sleep?" Fukase asked me in a raspy voice. "No not really.." I answered him. He then said "Well I can! Goodnight!" That stupid asshole— why does he have to do this to me! I thought he would've done something more nice.. Ugh! Never trust a ginger or redhead. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes. I tried to fall asleep but I failed once again.

I was going to try and turn over but felt it would be to awkward in the morning for Fukase to find my face so close to his neck. I stare outside the balcony from the bed because it was on my side. Why did I have to get stuck here? And then my sister and girlfriend just abandoned me so now I'm stuck sleeping in the same bed with a boy I just met. I found myself starting to doze off so I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.


When I started to wake up, I felt warmth. It felt comforting. It felt nice. I love it. I leaned more into the touch of this warmth until I heard giggling and realized it was a humanoid body. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a redhead with that stupid shit-eating grin on his face. "AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I quickly pushed myself away from Fukase which resulted in me falling off the bed and hurting my ass. He started laughing EVEN MORE at me so I just rolled my eyes. "Did you know that you're an absolute prick?" I asked him. "Did you know that I don't really care?" He responded with that stupid smirk.

I pinched the top of my nose bridge and sighed. I guess Fukase took that as a taunt because then he stuck his tongue out in a playful way and ran out of the room. I got up and dusted myself off to find Fukase. I spot Fukase's soft and vibrant hair going down the stairs so I start running after him. He starts running even faster until he got to the front door and stopped. I stopped aswell when I made it to the door. "Soo... What should we do about the door? We've gotta get out somehow." Fukase asked me knowing full well I had no idea just like him. "Hm, I don't know how about I use your thick skull to break down the door?" I responded sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes and started walking away.. He then quickly turned around and dashed at the door head first. The stupid idiot FUKase clashed into the door hard and it made a big sound too. He ended up falling on the floor after running into the door so I had to pick him up and I carried him over to the stairs and let him sit on the first step because I'm definitely not gonna try carrying him of all people up to the bed. I sat next to him and rubbed the back of his head. I was surprised that he was still somehow conscious while having all the trauma to his head. I guess he's such a big idiot he does this everyday? I don't know nor do I personally really care.

His hair was like.. Weirdly soft. My fingers run so smoothly through it and it really does feel like I'm touching a cloud. I wasn't paying that much attention to what I was doing until Fukase just smiled at me with that mischievous grin and then I realized that I was twirling his hair around my fingers. I quickly took my hand out of his hair and placed my hands in my lap. We both stayed silent for about 5 minutes until I realized Fukase was staring at me. "Why are you staring at me weirdo?" I said meaner than intended. That sure snapped him out of his trance though. "I dunno." He said while he shrugged. Then he he started leaning towards me and he LAID HIS HEAD IN MY LAP.

I quickly moved my hands out of the way and gave him a confused look. All he did back was give me that signature grin again. "Why do you do that stupid shit-eating smile all the time. It's weird." I said. I didn't really mean to let that come out of my mouth but I didn't exactly care at that point. "Well, since you asked it's because when you smile at someone it puts them in a good mood which makes them smile back which is what you should be doing since you've been complaining ever since we met!" Fukase then scoffed at me. Right after he grabbed the corners of my mouth and tugged at it to try and form a smile.

"HEY DON'T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT!!" I hit his hands away which then he just rolled his eyes, folded his arms together, and turned away from my head. "I can very much smile without somebody's help!" I said loudly. Fukase quickly sat up from my lap and said "Oh really? Then smile for me right now!" I wanted to slap him right then and there but there'd be no need since I'm gonna prove him wrong! I'm gonna smile and he won't make fun of me for it! I gave him the biggest smile I ever could and I have never been so dumbfounded by an answer before. He had said "Hm... Too fake."

I wanted to kill him at this point. He most likely saw the angry look on my face so he started running which I then came running behind him.

We had been running around for about 30 minutes until we both finally got tired and ended up right back at the stairs. Out of nowhere Fukase had asked me, "Hey Len, do you have a girlfriend?" I was very confused at this question why the hell would he ask if I have a girlfriend? "Yeah I do.. I thought I told you last night." I was wondering what in the world he meant when he asked if I had a girlfriend. "Oh... Okay." I heard him say. I look over to see him looking down but smirking. This isn't his normal grin that he does. It looks more... How do I describe it.. Devious.

I didn't really think anything of it. I thought maybe he's thinking something like 'Huh this blonde loser bitch surprising gets girls that's weird and funny hahahahaha I'm a stupid little redhead with a small dick' or something like that. I chuckled at the thought and rested my head on my hand while my knee held up my arm.

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