• Chapter seven

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' "Where are we gonna go? I mean I could easily walk to my house but it's so far away and I think my bike was stolen!!" He whined. I sighed and started walking him to my house, praying that Rin and Miku were still okay. '


We were walking down the block. Well, Fukase was skipping down the block like a little boy while I was walking normally with my hands in my pocket. Fukase out of nowhere demanded that I needed to carry him on my back and I was basically obligated to do it so that made the walk alot longer than wanted. The stupid redhead that's apparently now my friend kept making random stupid comments like "Is this your neighborhood?" Or "You smell nice." Or "Your hair feels nice." I could feel his head in the crook of my neck which didn't bother me too much. I guess he's tired from searching all around a mansion for that stupid key to get out. I let Fukase off my back when we got to the house that me and Rin share.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted Rin to unlock the door. Once I heard the door's lock click open I was greeted by my teary eyed sister and my girlfriend Miku peaking out from the corner. Rin quickly hugged me and I fell down on the porch. Fukase just looked at us with a confused look while Miku came running out helping both of us up. "So, who's the redhead?" Rin asked after we both got up from the ground.

"OH MY GOD FUKASE??" Miku yelled. "MIKU??" Fukase yelled back. Now me and Rin were the confused ones. Miku lifted him of the ground into a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much Fukase!! I see you've grown a few inches huh? You've been drinking your milk?? You've been drinking your milk!!" She said in a way that sounded like she was a relative that you haven't seen before but they say 'I remember when you were a baby!'

Fukase was smiling but also had an annoyed look. I'm pretty sure he mouthed out "Help me" but I just couldn't stop laughing at the scene and neither could Rin. Miku finally put Fukase down and Rin suggested that we should sit down inside and explain what the hell is going on so we did just that. Our house has a couch that's like curved but connected if that makes sense in any way so Miku and Rin sat on one side and me and Fukase sat on the other. Fukase annoying folded his arms back, laid his head on the armrest, and let his legs rest on my thighs. The rest of us sat normally.

"So like, me and Miku were kind of best friends in middle school.." FUKase said in a sassy tone. "Mhm! And we used to hang around at a park that was near here if I remember correctly." My girlfriend added on. "Actually.. Now that I think about it didn't you move away at the end of the school year?" After Miku said that Fukase looked at her with an awkward look. "About that..." Fukase looked down. He was then suddenly saved by the doorbell. "Who the hell could be here right now?" I mumbled under my breath. "Oh! I ordered some pizza here to make Rin feel better." I swear if Miku used my credit card- anyways.. She answered the door and got the pizza from the pizza boy who was apparently named Zed. He looked pretty cool and almost looked dragon-like.

My girlfriend placed down the pizza on the table in front of us and opened it slowly. The pizza smelt so delicious... I wanted to take a bite so badly but I resisted the urge to just grab it. Fukase was obvious thinking the same thing because he sat right up when he smelt it. He was practically drooling at the sight of the pizza.

"I'm gonna go grab some paper plates for the food." I got up and walked to the kitchen to grab the plates out of the pantry. I kept accidentally getting double plates so it took longer than wanted but I finally got 4 plates for the pizza and also grabbed down some random cups from the cupboard for soda. I heard some giggling so I quickly picked up the plates and walked over to the couches to find Miku and Rin having a giggling fit and pointing at Fukase while he was... Staring at me? He looked like he was in a trance or something. I snapped my fingers and waved at Fukase's face and he suddenly shook his head and blinked alot. He then just looked at me with a bright smile so I just put the plates down and walked back to the kitchen to pour the soda.

I grabbed a cup and started pouring it in. I looked over my shoulder to see Fukase catching glances at me while trying to pay attention to Miku and Rin talking. I laugh a little at him and then go back to pouring. Once I finished all of them I grabbed all 4 at once. I prayed that I wouldn't drop any while I walked so I walked so slow it was as slow as Madriano's walk from Encanto. Apparently, Fukase was the first to notice this so he immediately grabbed two of the cups from my hands so I could hold the other two. I silently thank-you'd him by nodding my head and smiling at him. His face suddenly had pink dusted on it but I ignored it because he was probably embarrassed that I thanked him or something I don't know redheads are weird.

I placed down the two cups I had in-hand infront of my girlfriend and Rin then sat over more close to the two girls. Fukase put down the other two cups he had onto the table and sat down next to me. "Do you guys wanna watch something?" Rin asks everyone. "HELL YEAH CAN WE WA-"

"No, we are not watching anime, Len." Damnit. I crossed my arms, pouted, and twisted my head away from my sister. Fukase started laughing at me so then I just scooted away from all of them. All Fukase did was scoot closer to me until we got uncomfortably close. We just sat like that until I saw Miku eating the pizza without a care in the world then she jerked up from her relaxed position holding her stomach tightly. She then ran quickly to the bathroom while Rin ran to the kitchen and grabbed the air freshener out of the cupboard.

"The hell's wrong with them?" Fukase said while staring at Rin panicking. "I FORGOT TO TAKE MY LACTAID TODAY!!" We all heard Miku yell from the bathroom. Me and Fukase, the boy who doesn't deserve the nice hair he has, both sighed in union. "I kinda forgot that Miku is lactose intolerant.." Fukase says sounding slightly guilty probably because of what he said about the two.

My phone started ringing so Fukase FINALLY moved away from me. When I saw who it was, it kinda surprised me. It was Luka   calling but.. She wanted a video call? Isn't she busy right now? I answered regardless and I saw some blue-haired kid on the screen. "Hello? Is this the banana store? Yeah I'd like to order 100 banan— HEY!!" The kid was cut off after someone grabbed the phone away from her which turned out to be Luka. She then started talking from the other line

"I'm so sorry Len the kid that I'm looking after right now called you because she saw my contacts and she saw your name she wanted to call it— Wait.. UNA WHERE'D YOU GET THE GLITTER? I THOUGHT I LOCKED IT UP IN A SAFE." I could hear giggling in the background from the little girl. "I'm sorry Len I've gotta go she's too chaotic when her imaginative switch flips to spicy. I'll talk to you later." Then she hung up. "Well that was weird." I muttered then put my phone back in my pocket.

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