"My i?" I ask the due with the blade. I run it down the tape to see a bunch of new clothing.

"Cobra Kai is going to be the only destination for karate in the Valley after the All-Valley. I want our logo on billboards, T-shirts..." Terry explains until my mom cuts him off. 

"And on the back of both of the All-Valley Champions." My mom explains.

After the whole back ally meeting i walk out of the back room to see a couple of my friends working out and stretching.

"What was that about?" Robby asks walking over to me.

"They will tell you in a minute." I said, pointing at the three Sensei's that were standing and watching everyone. He nods and we both get back to work.

By the time the class has started, my grandpa and the other two Sensei's explained to us on how the new All Valley was going to work and what they planed to throw each of us into for the skill and bored braking. The plan was that i would also be the only person offing into kata as i had one.

Everyone seemed to have mixed emotions towards the new All Valley but im my opinion it was perfect for us. Fr the next couple of weeks they had a plan to get us to focus on our 'special' skill for the All Valley but at the same time lots of fighting.

I knew that I would have to put a lot of time into working on the fan fighting along with the kata. I haven't done those things in a while and i was not going to slip up on those. I needed the win and i needed is so badly. The main reason just t show everyone that i still got it.

After the close Robby and i went to the market right down the street. The two of us where planing to have a small date night to night as my parents where going out to have there date night.

I also just needed a night to forget that tomorrow that i would actually have to go to school tomorrow and sit in a class. The past couple of weeks i  have only stayed for 2 days out of the whole school week. Mostly because i just didnt want to be around everyone, but Tory told me that she planned to go back and i said that i would go with her.

Robby and i walked into the store and the door chimed. Robby and counter man did there little bro hand shake. That jus showed how much we come her to get candy and drinks. We walked to the back were the popcorn and other really sugary shit and and started to look around.

The door chimed again and we dint bother looking at who it was. "Robby, y/n." A voice says. I didnt ave to even turn around to know who he was. I just rolled my eyes and turned around. Robby did the same. Just love to see a LaRusso dont you.

"Of course." Robby mumbled and put the bag of popcorn down.

"This will only take a minute." LaRusso said as i mumble a 'that' what he said'. Robby heard me and snickered a little.

"We can save you that minute." Robby said and i chuckled a bit. "You realized that you are training a bunch of wimps and you need a male champion, right?"

I then cut in. "Let me guess, your sales pitch, 'I am here to recuse you.' 'This isn't who you are robby,or you, y/n. I can help you' bah, blah, blah, blah, blah." I say and roll my eyes once again. 

"I have said that all before. Its time to brake the pattern." Daniel said and he took a step forward. "I heard what you did to Eli."

"We just gave him what he deserved."  Robby said shrugging.

"Im not hear to judge you. I am here to tell you what I'd going to happen next." Daniel started. "Terry Silver just popped up out of the blue, right? You did the same thing to me. He will steam decent enough, show you a few moves, and then he will worn his way in. He will chip away at you. And push you past your limits. You will become stronger than you ever thought possible, but silver won't stop there. Okay?" Daniel asked as Silver walked into the shop.

"This is going for shit." I mumbled to myself and no one heard. Thank god.

"This man is sick and twisted, sick when he's done with you, you won't be you anymore. One day you'll find yourself with some kids blood all over your shirt and you'll just hope it's not late too late to change your course." LaRusso was then cut off by silver.

"They are not interested, Mr. LaRusso." Silver said and thank god for his timing.  "The new equipment is already for you to take home. You guys can go pick it up and go on your date then."

We nodded and walked out of the store. Looks, like we are grasping things from the story on the way home. We waked into the dojo and my mom and granpa handed s our boxes. We said our goodbyes and then went off to my house but not before stopping and getting popcorn and some other candies.

When we got home we grabbed all the blankets and popped the popcorn. Once it was done we turned on the Tv and turned on '6 underground.' It was one of my favourite movies. We cuddled up in the blanket and watched the movie in peace.

Halfway though the movie daisy camas to join us after waking up from her nap. i opened my arms and she jumped into them and i laughed. She licked my face and then turned to watch the movie with us.

Robby and i wee laughing thought most of the movie. When the movie was done I decided i wanted brownies. Robby laughed and joined my in the kitchen but not before putting on another movie.

We were almost done with the brownies and the we started to havre a flour fight. I would also like to say that i didnt started it. By the time they were in the oven we were covered in the white powder and were laughing. Thank god my parents weren't here. We started to clean the kitchen up and finished before the brownies were done.

We stayed up a little longer and then cleaned up the rest f the mess we made before my parents came home. We waked up stairs with the brownies in hand. We both lied on the bed and turned on outer-banks. I slowly started to fall asleep with daisy in my arms and Robby's around me.

The next morning i woke up and grabbed all my school things. I left a note forRobby telling him that I would be back at lunch. I grabbed the car keys and there was off  to go pick up tory.

Once i picked her up and drove to school we got out of the car and walked in. As soon as we were in we wet though the metal detector and like every time i beat and he t explain that it was my earring and i am not taking them out.

They let us though and a couple of our friends met up with us. Lucas, Jack and Harry. Kyler and the others were of somewhere. But Samatha had to kill the mood.

"I heard you let me back in, LaRusso. So i guess that i should..." tory started but she was cut off by the bitch.

"I dont know what kinda game you are playing but i am not scared of you." Samatha said like it was supposed to scare us. "You are not in control here. I am. My parents might be falling for your bull shit but if you so mush as look at me funny i will kick your ass a third time."

"Go for it." I hear jack whisper and the boys starts to laughs.

"I am coming for you, bitch."

-𝙵*𝚌𝚔 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚢-   Robby X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang