She eyed the plate in front of her with a confused yet satisfied look as she saw an oversized egg with a small chocolate pastry, some blueberries, and a little loaf of bread. She smiled thankfully about the fried egg as the aroma of the decorated plate filled her nostrils. But she knew better to inquire about the food before tasting it.

"The egg looks different," she asked.

"It's from an Alicanto―a very special bird in Vakenes. Some Vakenians even claim to worship the beautiful bird. It is believed that its egg bestows luck and strength upon the person who tastes it. That is why an Alicanto's egg is served as a special dish," explained Aurora.

She digested the new information as she saw the server pour blood-red wine into their glasses. Eyeing all the delicious items of food on her platter, she picked up a double-pronged fork and cut into the egg. As she bit into the egg, her saliva instantly mixed with a delightful flavor that appeared to be the apple from heaven itself. The bittersweet taste of the Alicanto egg forced her to list it in my favorite items of Vakenes.

"How about we go and explore Vakenes in the evening?" asked Aurora.

Calista's heart dropped yet again. "I'm afraid I don't have the privilege to stroll around Vakenes and explore its magnificent land. Claudia said I'd be safer within the walls of the castle, but now I've started to think my days here are going to be quite boring considering I have limited access to everything."

Aurora reached for her hand and squeezed it. "Why do you worry? We'll make your days within the Royal Palace the best days of your life."

She smiled back at her, unsure what to expect.

As though considering something, Aurora arched an eyebrow at her. "Have you ever held a sword?"

The giant blade with an ornate bronze handle felt heavy in her small hands. She stood in the yard outside the throne room with Aurora, who held a similar weapon, confidence radiating off of her. She aimlessly swung it around in her hands. Calista looked apprehensively at her, feeling entirely out of place with the sword in her hand.

"You just need to defend yourself. You won't get hurt, I promise," assured Aurora.

Without any warning, Aurora lifted her sword above her head and hurled it at her. The blade cut through the air as it flew down at her. In a reflex, she brought her sword to her head and a satisfying thrashing of blades echoed through the air. Relieved, she looked up at the intersecting swords. Aurora retrieved her weapon with a satisfied smile on her lips.

"You're pretty good for a beginner," she commented.

Calista gave her a rueful smile. "My reflex saved me, I guess. What if I hadn't acted on instinct?"

"Then, your head would have been chopped in pieces," Aurora replied blankly. Calista stared at her. She let out a little laugh. "Kidding. These are not actual swords. They're virtual. They pass through bodies untouched. We usually use them when practicing. Nobody gets hurt this way."

Surprise washed over Calista and she reached her hand out for the blade, but it passed through it as though it was a puff of smoke.

"But what's the fun in virtual swords? I mean, you don't get hurt, so it's pointless defending yourself," Calista ventured.

In response, Aurora gave her a small smile and brought the blade of her sword against Calista's forearm. To her surprise, it brushed against her, the metal blade feeling cold against her sleeve. Calista recoiled in confusion, giving Aurora a skeptical look.

"It's fear-operated. It touches the body when it doesn't sense fear. So, when you're practicing a fight, it doesn't hurt you, but when you're calm, it touches you but doesn't cut you. So, I assure you, it's safe."

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